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Just bought a used 2007 Gibson L-4A EC guitar


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Well, I have had this for a week, now. Still honeymoon time.


Guitar came with original pickguard, but not installed. I put it on and it took a bit off the high end, tone-wise. I liked that. Two days later the pickguard began to lift at the sharp points; would not stay down. I removed it and the remaining adhesive with the help of naptha. I suspect the shelf life of the adhesive has expired after 8 years. I have some 3M double sided adhesive sheets for pickguards coming from StewMac.com. I will reinstall.


The seller did a perfect setup before shipping; new strings of my choice, action and relief in perfect spec. I have sanded the saddle down and lowered the action to 4.5/64" on the bass and 3.5/64" on the treble side. No buzzing. I am a gentle player. Last night a heavier player used the guitar with no buzzing.


This thing sounds great both plugged in and unplugged. And it is comfortable to play with very low fatigue.


I am very pleased with this guitar purchase.

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