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Roll on Saturday morning


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Well, for those concerned about me getting a hair cut - the deed is done!



I drove all he way to town to a barber I used to go to years ago and the local yokels have lost the job. Country road drive, hook up to a freeway, join up another and into the bowels of the city, multi storey car park and a sprint up the laneways through the trendies and cafe society to my barber. Because it is near a lane of outdoor cafes, I got entertained while barbered by a lovely chap busking out by the cafes - little Maton guitar and I can't say I knew any tunes he did until he did a rousing version of House Of The Rising Sun!




My parting words to the lady who cuts my hair never vary: "See ya in 6 months, Amber!". Retired, not to mention nearly to the age of non-accountability, I need not worry overmuch about hair length. Tend to prefer it long, anyhow - the high and tight cut was something I never missed once adhering to regulations became history.

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Yeah you have the right attitude .

It'll still be a fantastic night , and I don't really hate axl or anything ...I'm just being high n mighty .


Guess I'm just sad inside that another part of my youth is crumbling away !!


And it was a fantastic night. Have to say Axl absolutely delivered and beyond. He literally sounded like Bon Scott on the old numbers. Even other musos who had same scepticism before were floored.


And the sound was brilliant, best outdoor sound Ive come across, and great song selection with unexpected Bon Scott era tracks like Shot Down In Flames and Touch Too Much.


This will sound wrong, but given a choice Id rather have seen them play with Axl than Brian, its once in a lifetime opportunity.

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