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Odd Gibson Star


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My pride and joy is my 1992 Gibson Star. Even though I know a lot of people aren't too fond of the Stars and the Starbursts, I really dig the sound and design--

and have wanted one ever since I started playing guitar (when I was about 6, and I just turned 18).


Something sort of unusual about mine is that it has dot inlays rather than stars. I've looked at hundreds of photos of the Stars and the Starbursts on the internet,

and I've only ever seen one other (Linda Perry's of 4 Non Blondes) that had dot inlays opposed to stars.


Does anyone have any idea why this would be the case? I know very little about the production of guitars, but I just assumed that it might've been a pre-production

model or prototype? On the headstock there is a serial number, but no indication of it being a "2nd".


Here is a gallery of a couple photos of it: http://imgur.com/a/MLPrU


I just got the guitar, so I am not the original owner. I know there have been at least 3 owners, and I would bet there have been quite a few more.


The serial number is: 93161023


Thank you!



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