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The HP models and Traditional HP 2016 in particular


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I am getting a traditional HP 2016 and I would like to hear from people who own or actually played it (I didn't) . I am concerned about the neck profile and the sound. I am used to playing modern Fender necks so the chunky neck is one concern of mine. Also, the titanium parts will likely brighten the guitar, what is your experience of that? I could get a Standard T but turned from it because I was planning to use some quite bright vintagy pickups I liked with this new guitar, so I opted for the Traditional HP for a deeper and warmer base tone. I am afraid I may have missed the mark again. Greetings to the forum.

Sorry everyone the multiple postings were accidental. Not a great start.

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Guest Farnsbarns

Do you expect a traditional and a standard to sound different in some specific way, even with the same pups? I doubt the titanium is going to make a difference which can't be adjusted using the tone and volume controls in guitar and amp.


I would certainly advise playing a guitar before buying.

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Do you expect a traditional and a standard to sound different in some specific way, even with the same pups? I doubt the titanium is going to make a difference which can't be adjusted using the tone and volume controls in guitar and amp.


I would certainly advise playing a guitar before buying.

I am getting this guitar from abroad, Gibsons are obscenely expensive where I live, and I couldn't actually try the model I am presently getting by any means. And yes I thought Traditionals and Standards would have some sonic differences even with the same pups, due to the neck design and weight-relief features.

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i wouldn't think too deeply on the tonal aspects of titanium parts and weight relief. you're getting a great guitar that will sound terrific. most of the time when people say those things, it's all in their mind. even for those who disagree with that, they have to admit at least some of it is. chances are 99.9% that you'll get a nice instrument. even if it needs a tweek/adjustment here or there, it's not going to be a big deal. don't be afraid

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i wouldn't think too deeply on the tonal aspects of titanium parts and weight relief. you're getting a great guitar that will sound terrific. most of the time when people say those things, it's all in their mind. even for those who disagree with that, they have to admit at least some of it is. chances are 99.9% that you'll get a nice instrument. even if it needs a tweek/adjustment here or there, it's not going to be a big deal. don't be afraid

I believe it will be a fine instrument. I was just aiming at a 'warm' or 'darkish' sounding instrument that will take on bright pickups well. Thanks for the consolation and advice, hopefully it will work out fine.

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Is there a Trad HP? I thought it was either/or.


I do believe the neck profile is slim-taper, though, and Titanium hardware... I doubt it'll alter the tone.

It is called 'the soloist' neck but I have the impression it is fundamentally some kind of round fifties neck profile, a little wider on the edges than usual. I have got my idea of how the Titanium parts effect the tone from Rob Chapman videos, unfortunately after I concluded the ordering.

These guys use different amps for HP and T models though, so hard to tell how far the brightness comes from the Titanium saddles etc...

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I have this very guitar and I think it sounds great. I haven't played that many other guitars, but I like it. Others that I have let played it like it as well. I think you will like it if you get one.

The GForce tuners are awful I need to replace mine with some "normal" tuners. They don't actually put the guitar in tune, otherwise they would be great.


I really don't know much about guitars though, so.....

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I have this very guitar and I think it sounds great. I haven't played that many other guitars, but I like it. Others that I have let played it like it as well. I think you will like it if you get one.

The GForce tuners are awful I need to replace mine with some "normal" tuners. They don't actually put the guitar in tune, otherwise they would be great.


I really don't know much about guitars though, so.....

I don't suppose it is going to sound bad, it helps to hear people like it though, thanks for the input.

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NLP: oh, that model! That would be, unless I'm mistaken, a 2015-style neck?


Some like it, some don't. I'm assuming there's a return policy?


But don't knock it just yet. Some really like it. Me, I'm like a lot of middle-aged guys: I've spouted endlessly on the wider necks and robot tuners. Have I even played one? No.

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