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PRS meet and greet. Disappointing Gibson stock.


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Went to my local PMT shop on Saturday for a free meet and greet with Paul Reed Smith. Such a disappointing thing. I went with my brother. Got there and walked around the shop looking for where it was. Not one sign. display or directions anywhere. After walking around I asked a member of staff. To which he told us, 'It's upstairs in the meeting room'. How were we supposed to know that? So we went up and walked it. It was half way through and was just a general chat and 'Look how great we are' chat. After about 15 minutes it was over. Very poor,

My biggest gripe is. PMT is a main dealer for Gibson. How many Les Paul's? 3! A second hand Custom. A 5k Custom shop R9 and a LP custom lite. The skinny one. This from a main dealer! No wonder Gibson are in trouble. There isn't anywhere within normal driving for me to go and try any. This is Birmingham, the second city of the UK. If you want a Fender. Go anywhere and there're walls of them. So. What a sh*t day Saturday was.

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