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Fender talk about Gibson


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You need to remember time is the most important currency, not money.

Time, and how you spend it.


Started playing guitar in 1971 at the age of twenty, and almost immediately got involved with the build quality side of instruments. Have bought, sold, & traded hundreds of guitars since then. Music and all things related have been a continuously sustaining interest, which has seen me through lean and much better times.


Along the way, the accumulation of money has never been a major motivating factor. How I spend my time always has been. Got lucky about 34 years ago & fell into a field I truly enjoyed for the next 32 years, raised a wonderful daughter along the way, and happily retired two years ago.


Living a good and balanced life without constantly chasing a buck can certainly be done. Henry's early efforts to save Gibson was his best work, but he couldn't find a sustainable long-term balance. Instead, his need to grow more dollars & chase the "Lifestyle" dream became his (and his company's) ultimate undoing.


Sadly, it's a song & dance that's historically been played over & over & over again.

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