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this might cause a little friction but........

tango martin

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But seriously though, i think we should all club together and try to stop the atrocity's like Nickelback, Avenged sevenfold, bon jovi, the feeling, Linkin park and limp dogshit from rising to the dizzy heights of stardom ever again by A) not buying their records! B)not going to their concerts! and C)ignoring their watered down lame *** jibba jabba in favour of something more pleasing to the ear like the plasticy smashy sounds of their entire back catalogues being crushed by monkeys with big angry hammers who were fortunate enough to not understand the horrors that would rush into their minds if they ever attempted to listen to any of their crap (or mine for that matter, of which i could just pour out all day if my body hadnt already conspired with god and medical history to try to find ways to shut me up!) Still working, like duracell bunny but with a limp an 1 drumstick and no drum.

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