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Why are people mad at Obama for shaking hands with Chavez?

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Then refute my statements instead of going around gossiping like a girl making fun of how much i get paid and assuming that i am uneducated.


Making fun of how much people get paid for doing an honest days work is the most unamerican thing i have ever heard.


You got your gstring in a wad over nothing junior...I didn't make fun of your honest days work, or your wage. I am just pointing out that you don't pay INCOME TAXES, so your ideas about said taxes don't really carry as much weight in an argument about taxes as say, someone that actually pays them....


Use your head son...

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You got your gstring in a wad over nothing junior...I didn't make fun of your honest days work' date=' or your wage. I am just pointing out that you don't pay INCOME TAXES, so your ideas about said taxes don't really carry as much weight in an argument about taxes as say, someone that actually pays them....


Use your head son...[/quote']


I have paid income tax before many times i paid them when i worked at McDonalds, Wal-Mart, Burger King, Taco Cabana and Wendy's, Why not ask why i get paid 100 a week now? Well first of all my friend has a Mechanic shop and he really needed some help so i volunteered to work there and he offered to pay me 500 a week for working and i told him just pay me 100 a week while i go look for a second job.


I do not need money to be happy.


"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."

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I have paid income tax before many times i paid them when i worked at McDonalds' date=' Wal-Mart, Burger King, Taco Cabana and Wendy's, Why not ask why i get paid 100 a week now? Well first of all my friend has a Mechanic shop and he really needed some help so i volunteered to work there and he offered to pay me 500 a week for working and i told him just pay me 100 a week while i go look for a second job.


I do not need money to be happy.


"It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God."



Actually, if you "paid" income taxes via withholding at McDonalds, Wal-Mart and Burger King, etc., and you made less than about $16k, and you completed an IRS 1040 form, then you got all of the money you paid in withholding taxes back from the government, so you did not pay income taxes. You may have paid into the Social Security and Medicare funds.


Nobody "needs" money to be happy jr., but unless somebody else is feeding, clothing and housing you, then you need money to survive in this world.


Interesting that you would quote a bible verse...Kind of out of place in this thread, but interesting...

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Ironically it is the things that you feel differentiate you from those who are Islamic that make you exactly the same.


What I said in a previous post is if one studies what the koran says about their god - the korans theology and then studies the what the bible says about God - biblical theology (both old testament and new testament) it would be easy to see that they are not and cannot be the same god.


I don't believe I made any reference to the followers of either religion. You and I both know that each follower claims that their god is the one true god. In that respect we (people) would be alike. But again, I'm talking about the God of each religion.

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Krishna is dead in my attic' date=' These are the kinds of conservative i speak to you about the ones that tell you how to live your life the ones that tell you what to believe or automatically assume what you believe.


The ones that Judge you on what you make or how old you are the ones that tell you to stay quite and do not speak your mind.


KSG_Standard is a prime example on why you never see protest on college campuses anymore.


Whats wrong with paying Taxes? Its funny how KSG_Standard is supposely the adult but acts like a pugnacious four year old child.[/quote']


Look pup nobody here has told how to live my life or what to believe. No one here knows what I make and I've never been told to be quiet. You seem to assume many things from your high horse. You have much to learn grasshopper.

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