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What styles can you play on a SG?


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Its an electric guitar so, with enough fiddling around, and a few effects, you can get it to sound like pretty much whatever you want it to. Of course, the easy option is just to get the guitar you want to sound like - but you dont have to!


I have always thought it was a no brainer when people ask things like "I want to get a sound like (name artist), what sort of guitar should I buy" - Get what he/she uses! Want to sound like Angus - Gibson made it easy for you (for a price). Want to sound like some guy playing a telecaster - Fender still make them!

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When I bought my first SG back in '67, I was in a top-40 band, doing Cream, Doors, Beatles, Stones, etc,--all that's called classic rock now, and the SG sounded great on all of it. Went through a blues-purist phase after that, ranging from Eric Clapton to B. B. King, used the SG for that stuff too. I finally got rid of it about 1971--I got into a country-rock band and needed to get more twang than that SG would do--although it sounded good through my Twin Reverb, it woudn't twang like a Tele. Currently I have an SG Supreme--sounds as good for rock and blues as any SG I've ever played, and I can get a good modern country tone out of it too, but for the Bakersfield stuff I really need to use something with single-coils. I've played jazz gigs with it and it's great for that too--not exactly a traditional jazz look, but I can get the sound. Fusion? Well, Allan Holdsworth used one for a while...'nuff said?

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