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B.S. political threads by YOU KNOW WHO...


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I am not a conservative and I am not a liberal. I have good opinions and bad opinions

about both clubs.


The view that seems to come up so often for me though, is this one:


It seems apparent to me that the reason that such a large percentage of

Liberals are so angry, hateful and consequently fearful is that they don't

believe that the Universe consists of an intelligence above human, that is

taking care of them, and that if they just know this, they'll see the care at



Believing that we are all "on our own in this miasma called the universe/human

life" is the cause of the strong drive for so called "individual rights*" and

high degrees of governmental welfare help**.


* Individual rights such as "if you'll agree to let me smoke dope, I'll agree to let

you take care of an unwanted pregnancy". And "I'll agree that we shouldn't "offend"

the Native Americans by using the name the Cleveland Indians, if you'll agree

never to say that banging my same-sex partner may not be exactly what nature

has in mind".


I'm not sure Liberals even like each other much. (witness that they won't even

support Liberal talk radio or Liberal tv news shows- for some reason, conservative

ones are the only ones that thrive.) They just deny the un-attraction to each other

and support one another because that's the only way to attain their SELF-agenda.


Are Conservatives perfect? No. So many of them overlook the fact that God probably

DOESN'T want them to do anything they have to in order to earn maximum dollars.


But Liberals are easier and funnier to pinpoint. And I know Liberal thinking better in

a way because after all, I WAS a Lib all my life until 9/11, when I saw how

other Liberals treated George Bush who happened to be the leader of MY country,

and therefore MY president, even if he DID beat Gore whom I voted for.

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