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Best Acoustic Guitar Strap Thread (Revisited)


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Right before the crash we had a couple of threads going on good straps for acoustics.


I've tried a bunch and have been generally pleased with many different ones but i haven't really felt very strongly about one until now.


I recently received my flying possum strap and wanted to let you all know how fantastic it is! It's the most comfortable acoustic strap i own, maybe due to the sheep's wool on the shoulder portion? or maybe (probably) just due to it being a really great strap. It holds my guitar just right and is light and very well adjustable for guitars and people of many sizes.


It's difficult for me to make a picture of mine in any meaningful way but it is just beautiful in appearance, the leather is supple and rich in color, the shoulder strap is really comfortable and Bruce tooled my initials (i have a long last name) onto it, signed and numbered it.


The way the strap holds the guitar is really quite unique as it puts no strain on the headstock and does not require a strap button on the heel, just attach to the endpin, position the strap around the lower bout and you're in business, it holds the guitar like a papoose. At first i was worried about how secure the guitar would be but i really don't see there being the possibility of anything bad happens unless you do something stupid. (And if anyone knows something that protects against that please let me know asap :-({|= )


Anyone who's in the market for an acoustic strap should check bruce's out and any suffering from SSBS (Serial Strap Buying Syndrome) should just automatically call tomorrow morning and order one. I've been looking for a while and between Bruce's strap for my acoustics and my Brookwood electric strap i might be done for a long time! (although bruce makes an electric strap too which is making me nervous).


And best of all he made it and i had it a week after i called and ordered. Can't go wrong with this in my opinion!


Flying Possum Leather


Brookwood Leather


Picture of Conor Oberst using the Flying Possum strap on his acoustic - a collings i think - you can see the attachment method this way, also on Bruce's site:


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Whoa, Conor doesn't look to well in that pic...I hope he's okay. I really like his music, the latest one with the Mystic Valley Band is absolutely stunning. I love that line "Jesus off in the water, standing on his feet/that's the thing about charisma, it makes everyone believe".


Anyway, I digress. I had a custom-tooled strap made for me by Leathersmith Designs in Canada. Lovely people, beautiful strap and still holding strong after five years of 200 shows-a-year touring.

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Yes sir, it looks like a fine way to support an acoustic guitar......but what about the friction on the finish at the points of contact over time? And the possibility of finish reaction to the leather contact? I'm not so opposed to a strap button on the neck heel/block that this arrangement appeals to me........

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