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Michigan Acoustic Guitar 1950's era... Gibson Family of brands?


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Does anybody have any information on Michigan Guitars' date=' built in the USA in the 50's, I'm led to believe that it was a Gibson brand.[/quote']




As you probably know, there doesn't seem to be much info on the Web. Based on on this page http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=60715332&blogId=218177625, these were low-end instruments almost certainly not built by Gibson. Elderly had a cheap "The Michigan" banjo that they conjectured was built in England. (The Elderly page also mentions that B&SL, the sole distributor of "The Michigan", was based in Toronto.) Might be worth a look in Gruhn's Guide.


The name alone isn't any reason to think the guitar was built in Michigan. E.g., Oahu Hawaiian guitars were built in Cleveland.


-- Bob R

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