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Les Paul Studio and Seymour Duncan P-Rails


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I'm thinking pretty seriously about getting a set of P-Rails for my LP studio. I bought it some time around '03, and I've been playing it through a Fender DeVille 4x10, and I've never really been happy with the sound. I tend to play blues/rock and classic rock, mostly (i.e., a dirty, crunchy sound, with leads), and have never really found what I was looking for, sound-wise. It seems a little muddy/washed-out.


I think that I might be happier with some P-Rails (from Seymour Duncan). They'd open up the tonal options a lot, and perhaps work better with the Fender amp. I've read many reviews, and most of them are favorable, but I haven't seen any that have them installed in a Les Paul (or similar), being played through a Fender amp (most of the reviewers, it seems, are playing through Marshalls).


So, has anyone tried this out? P-rails (in a Les Paul, preferably), through a Fender amp?


(My LP Studio has an mahogany body, maple top, and ebony fretboard, for guitar comparison).


I'd love to hear any opinions.




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I've got P-Rails in an Avril Lavigne Tele (yes you can laugh at me.) But it's a good guitar for the PUps cause it has a three way coil tap on it already, and it has a cool finish. But I digress...First off, I'm pretty sure they discontinued the PRails, so you might have a tough time finding them. Second, if you get them, you'll at least need a coil tap on two of your pots, but that still won't get the full tonal spectrum that they offer. What you're gonna wanna do is get a three way mini switch installed ON BOTH PICKUPS, so you'll have to drill into your body, but just two tiny holes. Idk how handy you are with a soldering iron, but you'll probably wanna get a luthier or a tech to do this for you. It'll probably end up being around $300 for everything: $180 for the PUPs and around $100 for the luthier's work. Finally, I'm really not that impressed by the PRails. Yea it seems sweet to have three different tones at your finger tips, but I don't know if it's worth it. It might just be because they're in a $250 Squire and not a $1000 Gibson. I've personally been going for pedals to get the tone I want, so you might wanna try out a TubeScreamer or a RAT, which will be a lot cheaper than buying new pickups and getting them installed and everything.

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I've been thinking about an HH Pickguard setup w/Prails for a Strat. If they're discontinued someone needs to tell Seymour himself.





They just came out like last year and they're one of the most innovative pickups out in the last 10 years next to the Dimarzio TriRails in the Vox Virage.


Go check Ty Tabor and Guilford Guitars and see some mindblowing tone with his PRail equipped signature Guilford. Check the Youtube links.



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My bad! Just looked and they discontinued the old ones' date=' but good news...they came out with a new version.


P-Rails Set


Dude 'they', as in Seymour Duncan didn't discontinue them at all. Duncan just came out with them last year, and MF for some reason listed them as discontinued in their catalog.


But I'm glad sets are easy to find.

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Finally, I'm really not that impressed by the PRails. Yea it seems sweet to have three different tones at your finger tips, but I don't know if it's worth it. It might just be because they're in a $250 Squire and not a $1000 Gibson. I've personally been going for pedals to get the tone I want, so you might wanna try out a TubeScreamer or a RAT, which will be a lot cheaper than buying new pickups and getting them installed and everything.

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Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. Spending 300 bucks on something that ends up sounding like an attempt at a bunch of great sounds, rather than really sounding good.


In regards to the pedal idea, you might be right. A friend of mine recommended the Tube Screamer; I have yet to try it.

But part of me is a little hesitant to depend on a pedal all the time. Maybe I'm a purist.


And, yeah, I was pleased to learn of the Triple Shots. I'm really hesitant to drill holes in my guitar. I had heard that three-way push/pull pots would do, but wiring that would still be a hassle (and they might not fit). And they would cost more, since I know very little about wiring/soldering, and would need it to be done by someone else.


I checked out most of the YouTube videos. I'd say they were encouraging, but I don't know how much to trust computer mics/speakers.


Hmmmm.......I guess I'm still on the fence. I just wish I could try them out personally. Does Seymour Duncan give tours?


And as far as the Avril Lavigne thing goes......who cares? She's got more videos on MTV than I do.

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