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Proof I have no life (warning: cello content)


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Modfather' date=' I have a battered violin in my shed (Mrs AJ bought it in an auction for pence) and the label inside the f hole says Stradivarius - no really it does.


Xmas fire wood or worth the postage to Maine?


Will do some photos opver the weekend I hope.[/quote']



There are many violins made with 'Stradivarius' on the inside-the-sound-hole-label. Either it means it is of the Stradivarius design or it is a real 'Strad'. My bet is on the former. But, if you aren't sure take it to some knowledgable person for identification.


A couple I've looked inside of specifically said 'STRADIVARIUS design'. Lord knows Stradivarius isn't around to protect his copyright.


But... not too many years ago a fellow rescued an old cello from a dumpster, in Chicargo or New Yawk,I think. Intent upon cutting it up to make a cello shaped book case out it, he paused his DIY project long enough to check with a friend who knows about these things. Turns out it had been stolen and the thief couldn't fence it as it was worth 10s of thousands of dollars and the Feds were looking for it.

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Hey! There you go!


Now that it's no longer a 'Miserable Wreck' we should christen this the SCOTTavarius.


The Scottavarius by Modfather. This has a nice ring to it. Shall we let him have this intellectual property for free? I think so - season of goodwill and all that.


Tommy, thanks for the heads up. I'm sure it is the "design" version as you say. But The Scottavarius has caught my imagination. My 10 yo daughter, Maud, plays the violin and is nearly ready for a full size so instead of paying £x00 quid for a second hand one, I like the idea of restoring this one - if feasible.


Mrs AJ and I were having a bit of a clear out a few months ago and it nearly went to the tip aka (Civic Amenity Centre.) I sense fate intervening here. That, or I stepped in something over lunch?


Photos to come.

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