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Hi sir, this past monday (12-28-2009), i sent an email to customer service in reguards to 2 custom shop guitars i bought this month. I feel that the questions were not unresonable to receive a reply. I was looking for infomation on both guitars. As not being an expert on Gibsons i felt that going directly to the source would give me the best information possible.I did receive an email in responce to a telephone call made on this past tuesday(12-29-2009). the guitars in question were a 1959 Aniver. reissue rustburst and a 1960 reissue ebony- R9 & R0. Both of these guitars are great and i have no complants. i would like to know why in the R9, '57 classic pickups were used and on both what type of rosewood was used for the fretboard. Also how many R0's were made in ebony this year? I understand that they were a speical run for Sam Ash. and am very interested in how many were produced.


Thanks for your time




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1) Admin doesn't answer questions anymore. Resend your email. They're usually pretty good at getting back to me.


2) Pickups on all historics are typically Burstbuckers 1 & 2. Your R9 probably doesn't have BBs because either a) they ran out of BBs that day and just used '57 Classics (I've heard of this happening several times), or maybe B) all Rustbursts came with '57 Classics.


3) The fretboard is either Madagascar or Indian rosewood.


4) From my experience, Gibson does not release production numbers unless the number being made is stated up front. I.e. 1 of 500.

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Hey Are 9 , thanks for the reply. I think more than anything, with all the hype around this R9 reissue i would have like to get a correct reissue. remember this guitar came off the Custom Shop Exibit trailer. I would think they would have the best examples. It is a killer looking guitar. live and learn. But maybe my lack of knowledge on these things, is the problem. all in all it's a great guitar, plays great, sounds great.(I'm a player and not an expert). Even wifey told me today how nice it sounds and she have no knowledge of music. Maybe both types of pups were used in '59. In a responce to a phone call a made to customer service ,they emailed me stating the rustbusrts were a run of 59 pcs. with zebra '57 classics. in a way it makes them very special. I like different .different is good. I was going to wait another week before resending my email. Again thanks for your help and imput, as i am always open to listen and learn from people who know more than i do. Happy New Year!!!!



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both types of pickups used in 59? as in 1959? if this is what you mean, then the answer is no...since the 57 classics and the Burstbuckers are two copies of the same pickup: the legendary PAF.


as for a "correct reissue," you have one. prior to the use of Burstbuckers, the Historics were equipped with 57 classics. if you mean historically accurate, ie exactly like a real Burst, well then Gibson is yet to actually make one. this year's reissues are the closest gibson has come, but there are still inaccuracies (which is all marketing. if they made a 100% accurate reproduction, then people wouldnt buy as many....this way, gibson can change one or two things every year or so and say "this is the most accurate Reissue ever!).

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Hi LPMan, thanks for the info.and yes i was talking about the real 1959 issue. I understand that we'll never get real PAF's, but my concern was with what I got. It seems that from the advertisments the Burstbuckers were the pups used. After some investagation, i do understand that both pups are more or less the same. (coil turns , wax potting are the major differences ). I guess my point is that Gibson should be up front with the differences. I think that the pups are a major point. since they are such a lagre part of the complete sound of the instument. Also at the cost of this guitar i'd like to know what i'm buying. It's really that simple. Anyway , the guitar is a great sounding,great playing and killer looking axe. This is one you never sell. I'm really not unhappy with the guitar. this was a once in a life -time oppertunity for me .( if i spend that kind of money on another axe, the wife will kill me.!!!!! be cool

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I don't understand what you mean about the pickups. Your R9 has humbuckers. PAFs were humbuckers invented during the 1950s and because Gibson didn't wait for their patent before installing these pickups in guitars, they put a small black sticker on the underside with three letters - P.A.F. - for Patent Applied For. That's where the term "PAF" comes from and all it means is that there are two single coils sitting side-by-side. Why do you say we'll never get real PAFs? The only real difference between your pickups and '50s PAFs is that those were spun by hand and no two were exactly alike; whereas, new ones are spun by machines and are all spun the same number of turns for consistency.


If Gibson told you these have '57 Classics in them, how were they not being upfront? Did you see an advertisement anywhere stating these Rustbursts have Burstbucker pickups? If you heard that from a store, keep in mind that retailers often don't know what they're talking about...or, did you just assume that since every other R9 has Burstbuckers, yours would, too?


I'm not saying this in a bad way but I think what you wrote above has to do with you being sceptical. But maybe my lack of knowledge on these things, is the problem. I don't think it's a "problem" because, after all, you're just looking out for yourself BUT a lot of the complaints people make about Gibson guitars is because of their own lack of knowledge and assumptions of what their Les Paul should be like. Not that you're complaining about yours but I'm just saying...


You have a plain-jane, 2009 R9 with exposed zebra '57 Classic pickups and a slightly different finish. There's really nothing more to it...a nice plain-jane R9, mind you. [blink]

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Hi are nine, first i'll explain what i said in more detail . in all the advertisments for the 50th. Aniver.edt. LP-R9 there are 2 different statements saying either the guitar has Burstbuckers and sometimes it says the have Humbuckers. Both types of pickups are humbuckers. As I understand. I think that

gibson should have been alittle more clear on this . As all the other Historical reissues ,as i recall say they have burstbuckers.Funny though, the R0 i bought 2weeks before i bought the R9 has BB1&2's. where i come from in life , i like things spelled out in simple terms. than there are no misunderstandings. Also when i drop this kind of money on anything all i ask for is the same. I know that the 2 types of pickups are not the same ,(Not that i feel either are bad in anyway) or they wouldn't have different names. they are made differently. I have no dought about that , it's on the Gibson web-site. At the end of the day it's all good and if you can consider anything that expencive plain. I'm not that rich. So to me it's special and every thing i have is .I've never forgotten were I've come from. Oh yea and,

Gibson didn't tell me untill i asked.... after i looked to see what pickups were there. They confirmed what i already knew. Still a great guitar and now it's time to go and play as that's what i do best.

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I don't understand what you mean about the pickups. Your R9 has humbuckers. PAFs were humbuckers invented during the 1950s and because Gibson didn't wait for their patent before installing these pickups in guitars' date=' they put a small black sticker on the underside with three letters - P.A.F. - for Patent Applied For.[/quote']Actually, the original stickers say "Patent Applied For", NOT "P.A.F".


Sorry, I just couldn't pass up the rare chance to correct you Tim.[cool][angry]


Carry on.[lol]

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No , NO more,this is a waste of time. clearly Are nine has his opinions and that's fine . As far as i'm concerned what's out there is there. He can think what ever he likes. I talk from what i've seen to be fact. no more ,no less. Go take a look on ebay, there's a 2009,1959 LP R9 Aniver. reissue with the serial #'s the same but for one digit, his xxxx93, mine xxxx92.

His posting states there are burstbuckers.I emailed him to make him aware of this. Most likely the run, which was all of 59pcs. would have the same pups. The term "hummbucker" is a very general term nowdays.Gibson makes a bunch of hummbuckers,(hummbucker was a term uesd for a solution for a cause and effect problem). there listed on their web-site right? and that's where i thought Gibson sould have been clearer on which ones were used , for a guitar of this price. Take a look at the ads on the net and you'll see what i mean. In the end it's a moot point. It's how the guitar plays ,sounds and feels to each of us. If your not willing to invest the time to reseach what i'm claiming than your argument is faulty. and that's ok were all human . i just happen to like nit-picking and having everything perfect.

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