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Name That Guitar!!


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I was looking for something the other day, and I ran across this photo of my dad playing his Gibson. When he died, (1998), I sat around waiting for my mother to offer the guitar to me. I gave it to my dad maybe 25 years ago, and at the time, I didn't even bother to see what it was, (it was during my hiatus from guitars).


Well, when she died last year, I asked my sister about it.... and she said it went to my nephew....damn....


My sisters all thought my dad got the guitar from some semi-famous C&W band member, (I forget who they said), and I said, "where did you get that? I gave it to him!".


So now, this is the ONLY photo I have of this guitar, (my wife said I was the only guy who would find a photo of his deceased father and want to scan it for a better look at the guitar!


Can anyone give me any guidance on just what model it is? Any idea of the year made?


I recall a guy offered it to me, said it was his grandfather's guitar. My dad was playing an Ovation, and those get tough to handle when the round back of the guitar has to rest against the round front of the musician.



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i respect that that was kind of a tough story to tell. i'm just taking a shot but the guitar looks to be a heavily-modded lg-1. it looks exactly like one (a '54) that was in a shop here last summer. that bridge and tailpiece made me giggle and for a second i thought the guitar was coin-operated until i realized it was a funkadelic pickup of some kind! thanks for sharing that.

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that bridge and tailpiece made me giggle and for a second i thought the guitar was coin-operated until i realized it was a funkadelic pickup of some kind! thanks for sharing that.


HAHA...yeah... I'm pretty sure that wasn't on there when I bought it!!

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A close look reveals a 1930s white script logo, f-holes, L-00 shaped body (making it an L-30 or L-37), back binding (making it an L-37 instead of -30), with sunburst (some years, the L-30 had black finish), and the sunburst is of the late 1930s variety = "customized" late 1930s L-37.

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It is definitely a 1930's guitar -- you can tell from the headstock. I am pretty sure it is a low end archtop -- L-50 maybe.


Oops. Tom's post (hello, Tom!) appeared while I was typing mine. As best I recall, the L-00-shaped L-50 appeared only up to 1934, or so. If I correctly see the sunburst pattern as later than that, then an L-37 it is. But, L-50 (which also sometimes had a round hole) is also a good guess.

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Oops. Tom's post (hello' date=' Tom!) appeared while I was typing mine. As best I recall, the L-00-shaped L-50 appeared only up to 1934, or so. If I correctly see the sunburst pattern as later than that, then an L-37 it is. But, L-50 (which also sometimes had a round hole) is also a good guess.




Hi John,


I was just guessing -- I don't know the archtops that well and it is hard to see the details on this one.





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