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Open tunings...


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Just make sure you've tuned it properly and use TABs that were written with open C in mind.


If you're wanting to learn that song by ear, in that tuning - good luck. You'll need to re-learn the entire fretboard in order to do so.

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I never used an open C. Variations of an open E, D and G... never C.


The G was about easiest because it was pretty much like a five-string banjo G tuning.


I don't know the music you're talking about, though. When "we" get into funky nonstandard tunings, there's always a question of copying someone else's picking. It doesn't always work unless it's reeeeeally basic like doing barre chords one way or another.


For example besides using open, 5th fret and 7th fret for the 1-4-5 chords, you can start on on the 5th fret and...


Ain't done much of that in three or four years since I played some guitar games with my head to relive some of the stuff I did in the '60s. Back then I did some flatpicking with open tunings, but mostly finger picking.


Frankly it has a few advantages for certain types of work, but... it's a lot less versatile, I think.



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