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I have been playing slide lately


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So right on Christmas day I was fuxking around doing some minor house work, I pulled an exacto knife and realized it had some spare baldes inside, I tugged on it as if I did not know better and the main blade came out and sliced my left thumb on the inside right above my joint, right where my thumb sits on the back of the neck.


I had full pressure on the blade so the cut was bad. I am guessing I needed stitches, it has been 6 weeks and stills hurts when I play after as little as 10 minutes.


As a result of this and to give my thumb a break I have been playing slide on open tunings, E, A and G and I am enjoying the hell out of it. I am not Mr. Positive by any means but I am glad something good came out of this.


I had tried to play slide in the past but never really go it, it looks like it was just a matter of putting more time into it.

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When I broke a finger tendon on my left hand and it was splinted, I played slide exclusively for something like six weeks by using a slide on one of my other fingers. (Then, starting with week seven the doctor told me to that my therapy to get my finger's healed tendon in shape was to play my guitar daily. Hurt like heck at first to use the healed finger, but it did fully come back. Plus, I got a whole lot better at round neck slide playing during that time) So, know what you're going through.


QM aka Jazzman Jeff

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Open tunings can be fun. I did a lot of it back in the olden folkie days...


It's not just for blues, either. I did a lot of stuff like Tim Hardin's "If I were a carpenter" in an open tuning and it could work for slide or any finger... the old "green tree rocky road" - there are dozens of versions - works well in open tuning.



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There is a reason OSHA has darn near outlawed those kinds of knives. I've used 'em for years, cut a finger every other time I used one. Never done any serious damage... yet. There are some new, fancier kinds of utility knives on the market that are more expensiver, but well worth the cost if it keeps you out of the E.R.


Glad to hear it wasn't worse. You could have cut some nerves and tendons, pretty much relegating you to the bass drum section for the rest of your life.

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