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I just got back from an awesome jam.


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My friend recently rented out a studio room in a warehouse and we can go there and just play as loud as we want be the acoustics in the room sound really good.


It was my first jam with the new BB3 in my SG.


I just cranked the ac30 to perfection and the tone was AMAZING. It was so cool.


I jammed with my guitarist and drummer from my last band and we were on fire. We jammed with some of my guitarist's friends and they were pretty good. Then they left and it was just us and we came up with some cool songs.


A highlight was when my friend's drummer came over and played a few songs. I just met him and we played some really cool stuff. I would not be opposed to forming a band with him and my guitarist friend. He's an amazing drummer and I can tell he would be a pleasant member in a band.


My old band and I played some really psycadelic up-beat music with some pretty heavy parts. When I say heavy I don't mean super distorted power chord crap. It was the sweet sound from my ac30 in full overdrive. The tubes were really cookin.


Anyways we may try to record soon so I'll keep you posted.

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No the studio isn't set up to record right now. My friend might bring his recording equipment in from his home studio next week.


Yesterday was just kindof a reunion jam. If we get back together, we're going to try and work differently. If it's not working out, we'll get a new drummer.


Jamming with that other drummer really made me think that there are a bunch of drummers out there who would work better for us than the one we have.


The drummer I met yesterday is this Asian dude who's a little older than me. He rocks. Him and my friend were playing a song they roughly kindof made up the other day and I just jumped in and it was amazing.

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