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Going SAFARI (San Diego,CA)


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Here's a tactic I use when I'm in a strange town;


Go to Guitar Center first, if you got nothing else.


Chat with one of the sales guys who appears to have an IQ above that of most houseplants.

Be very polite, engaging, and look at ONLY the highest-priced gear, guitars and amps.

When he asks what you're looking for, tell him you're just traveling, but always shopping - you know.....

"Maybe vintage stuff, maybe the perfect Les Paul, or a really cool old tube amp...."

Quietly rub your finger over every ding you see on the expensive gear - as he watches.


Without judgment, ask him who else in town carries Gibson/PRS/Bogner/Orange, etc.

Maybe ask about Rickenbacker since they famously lost the line years ago.


When he realizes that you are a Rolls Royce kind of guy in a Hyundai shop, he may recommend a store.

If he doesn't, then come right out and ask him - quietly - who has the Good Stuff in town.

He might suggest you go to Central City and see Saul.

This is how I've found some really nice small shops over the years who do not advertise.


Thank him for his time, and as you're leaving ask for his name again.

This is to let him know you'll drop his name at the other place, and his reputation just went up one click.

He might someday be able to quit Guitar Center and work for a REAL shop.

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