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Burstbucker pro and Classic 57 plus. Will it blend?


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I'm looking for a neck pickup that is good for "math rock" kind of tapping and such. It's usually a clean to slightly crunchy/distorted sound with a good "edgy tone". I also want a rich heavy sound on the bridge. I'm not good at describing, but hopefully this will give you an idea of what I'm looking for.


I'm considering Burstbucker pro on the neck, and classic 57 plus on bridge position.. Is that crazy?

If not it's either a bustbucker pro setup or a classic 57 (plus) setup.


Any opinions?


edit: corrected PUP name

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The Burstbucker pro will work on the neck. I'm not sure what you mean about a classic pro plus in the bridge? A 57 Classic plus will work if that's the tone you want? You can can also go Burstbucker pro neck & bridge or 57 Classic neck & 57 Classic plus bridge? Is there a well known artist who's style and tone are what you want to sound like?

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My car is facing upwards i want a good air flow but then i want a air scoop but i dont no what to do because the disadvantage of a scoop is that rain water can get in i dont want that i also like cold air intake but on my car im going to have to do alot of bends and that will lose the hp any ideas should i ask a garage to do it cars vw polo classic 57 +.






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Even though that was a spam message, it could be interpreted as an metaphor to my question and a hint of an answer... A classic 57 + you say? I don't know if I can trust you on that one Jenny

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  • 2 months later...

Manet, it's nice to see another math rocker on this forum. I'm currently in the pickup upgrading situation. But my plan is bass ackwards to yours. I'm considering a 57 Classic neck and a Burstbucker Pro bridge. Aggressive bridge tone, and warm and clean neck tone. I'm looking for a The Fall of Troy type overdrive sound and a clean sound exactly as you described haha!

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Guest BentonC

I personally like the idea of the BB Pro in the bridge and 57+ in the neck. The 57+ will definitely give you a nice warm response, and the BB Pro will have a bit more bite for the crunchier stuff...


The 490R/498T is also a great combo for this type of thing as well- try out a LP Studio or LP Custom next time you are in a guitar shop to hear this pickup set in action.


btw, what guitar are you putting them in?

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It's an *cough*epiphone *cough* Les Paul custom alpine white.


So you're saying "put the classic 57+ in neck pos.", even though the classic plus is usually a bridge position pickup?

I think I initially meant to have the BB in bridge... I don't know why I would have it the other way.


I will make a decision in just a few days [biggrin]

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Guest BentonC

No need to be embarrased about that Epiphone- they make some great guitars!


Yeah- I like the 57 in the neck, because it will be a bit warmer than the BB Pro. The 57+ was built and intended to be a bridge position pickup, but only because they are wound slightly hotter than the regular 57. Just remember- you're in charge of what you put in your guitar! Have fun experimenting!

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i think it would sound pretty good given the guitar gets set up right after. i think pickup hieght would play a pretty role in the over all sound of that pickup combo, specialy the center position on the toogle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went for the BB Pro in the bridge and 57+ in the neck. I will come back when they're installed to say how the combo works. Is there a good illustration page on how to do it yourself or is it best to leave it to the professionals?

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i currently use a 57 classic in the neck and a BB Pro in the bridge and it holds up well for everything from BB and Albert King to AC/DC and ZZ Top. i am very pleased with this combo. but the 57+ sounds like an interesting neck choice. should be good for some real aggressive stuff...

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  • 4 weeks later...

All right. the pups are in! I'm not used to the sounds it produces yet. I'm not sure how the old pups were connected, but I was used to having the brightest pickup for the rhythm end of the switch and now I feel it's the opposite. I like the burstbucker. In the future if the classic 57 + doesn't work out for me in bridge position I'll switch it for a "real" bridge pickup. Maybe the classic 57 would have been a better choice.. I need more time with the guitar to decide.

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