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Dem00n learns how to stage dive


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Anybody remember when Rob Halford split from Judas Priest in the mid nineties and formed Fight?

Sort of a Metal/Rap thing.


Anyhow, I went to see him and the stage-diving thing just went nuts - with his encouragement.


I think the venue staff decided to put a stop to it and started grabbing people as they could.

Despite their efforts to keep people off the stage, several got through causing hilarious chases onstage.

The band played on the whole time...


Finally, one kid got boxed in behind Rob with a bouncer closing from either direction.

He decided to climb up on the PA at one end of the stage - about twelve feet if I recall.

He stood up, dancing and pumping his fists in the air.

If those PA cabinets fall, it's gonna be UGLY.


The bouncers were on the stage, yelling and demanding the kid climb down.

The kid acted like he was gonna jump into the crowd, and faked it three or four times.

Arms in the crowd were motioning him to jump, and encouraging him.

The crowd was cheering so loud they drowned out the band - something's gotta happen here....


Finally, the kid half leaps/half falls sideways into the crowd so they can catch him.

And in unison, EVERYBODY in the crowd backed out of the landing zone for fear of getting crushed.

The kid fell 20 feet and went SPLAT! on the concrete floor.


He left the show limp and inconscious, looking like a war casualty.

Never did hear anything on the news about it, I don't know how badly he was injured.


Top THAT dem00n!!!



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