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The Betty White craze?


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Don't get me wrong, she's wonderful but am I missing something here? She's funny and has an offbeat sense of humor but what's the big attraction? Why now? Was never a huge Golden Girl's fan (imagine that?) but remember watching her on The Mary Tyler Moore show when I was a kid. Then there was her immensely popular SuperBowl commercial. Again, she's a very talented, well respected comedian but lately you'd think the lady crapped vanilla ice cream.



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Mmmmm. :D Vanilla! [biggrin]


Probably a combination of what you said above. Apparently she was chosen but way of a FaceBook write-in request for a SNL host.


She is just a good-old-girl that lives life the the full and don't care what the neighbors say. I have to say this is one SNL show I wished I hadn't missed. Maybe I can catch it on Hulu or something.

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she's just a seemingly very happy woman, when she smiles she lights up the place, a warm genuine smile, she has a GREAT sense of humor and she was excellent on SNL !! You can catch some of the skits online somewhere Im sure, I saw the show and loved it !! some of her sexual innuendo's were SO funny !!! She is just like some people favorite Grandma,, I had one like that and she's no longer with us and I miss her !! She makes me smile,, a genuine lady who's seen alot in her lifetime and has kept her feet on the ground !!


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