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Questions for ToneRite Owners/users and Interested Others


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Just wondering about a couple of points from the results of Forum members who have had some time to check out the ToneRite in the real world:


1) Are you finding that your results (whatever you say they are for you, so far) are "holding", or does the tonal improvement, once gained, "relapse" and need a "booster" treatment periodically. If the "booster" is needed, is the time necessary to return to optimum effect shorter than it was for the initial treatment?


2) Do your results seem to be cumulative? (For example: have you found cases where some guitars' "tonal palettes" have continued to improve with ongoing or multiple treatments. Or is maximum gain best achieved with one adequately timed treatment, and then perhaps maintained with short "booster" episodes.


3) As time goes by, are you finding certain brands or types of guitars that seem to respond better to the ToneRite, either because of body size, construction materials, or bracing types? (Possible examples: Gibsons versus Martins versus Taylors versus ("you name it"), guitars with lighter bracing, guitars with rosewood versus mahogany sides and backs, variations in types of Spruce tops, solid woods versus laminates, 000s compared to Dreadnoughts or Jumbo-sized bodies, "expensive" versus "not so much".....)


4) Any more thoughts on what you're finding regarding the use of the ToneRite on electric guitars? (Same sorts of questions as those above for acoustics.....)


5) What regimen of ToneRite settings are working best (or worst) for you? And do different types of guitars seem to respond better to different settings?


6) Lastly, someone once wrote in to say that they thought the ToneRite treatment was a "string-killer" and that changing to new strings was necessary after using the ToneRite, even if the strings on the guitar had been fine before the process. Have others found this to be true? If so, I guess it would always be preferable to wait until the ToneRite treatment was over before putting on a new set of strings? I'm fine with that, but it seems like it would complicate the process of determining the effect of the ToneRite on tone. I know some people say that human memory for tone is very short and subjective. Maybe pre- and post-treatment recordings of the subject guitars might be helpful for users trying to study results objectively (If that's even possible. I like to think that, for me at least, it might be worth the effort.). A lot of folks seem to have the new generation of small digital recorders. Anybody tried "A-B"ing their guitars in the ToneRite process with before and after recordings?


Thanks to all who might have something to contribute here. I know the subject of the ToneRite is often maligned and threads regarding its use are usually criticized as unwelcome by at least some Forum participants, but the topic seems to be of interest to others, including me, so I thought I'd ask.


I "titled" the thread in a way that I hoped would specifically target those Forum participants who might find it useful, helpful, and/or interesting.




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this is a good post Jack with alot of viable questions, I know there are people on this site who can answer some of these,,

I just tonerited 2 of my guitars and to touch on the subject about strings, it vibrates the guitar pretty good for 6-7 days and I also would assume it kills strings so after I did my treatment I put new strings on, it did seem to make the guitar more articulate, also I have to take into account the new strings so using judgement there is necessary,,

I did see a guy on another forum who actually recorded and GRAPHED his results, the graphs showed definite signs of improvement, I will have to see if I can find those results and link them here.

I did do some searching on several forums, Larrivee, Martin, Collings, Fender and there are alot of people using the system now and alot of skeptics as well,

hopefully someone else will chime in on their results and answer some of these questions here,

I also wonder if the results diminish over time, and if they are cumulative as well

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