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I had a 3.7 unwieghted and 3.6 weighted this year. dont no what the current is with this years grades. im going into my senior year.


I really want to go to Belmont Univeristy in Nashville. I want to get a degree in learning how to record and do live sound stuff.

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Did you check on Black Hills State U in South Dakota? Seriously, Dr. Royer is a sound guy as well as a guitarist and advisor for a guitar major...


"Dr. Randall Royer graduated from IAR in 1974. In the following years he worked as an engineer at a number of recording studios while continuing his education."


(that's Institute of Audio Research in NY.)



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Congrast Hthomas, sounds like you have a plan, which is always the first step to success. I'm still tring to decided what I want to be when I grow up.


As scholarships are generally awarded on merit on a competitive basis, you should also look into "grants". Grants, like scholarships, is money for your education THAT YOU DON'T HAVE TO PAY BACK, but are "granted" in a different manor such as income level, field of study, school attended, and many times just for filling out an application. Grants are generally set up by Foundations that HAVE to give the money away to somebody, it might as well be YOU.


Good luck to you, and keep us posted.

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I had a 3.7 unwieghted and 3.6 weighted this year. dont no what the current is with this years grades. im going into my senior year.


I really want to go to Belmont Univeristy in Nashville. I want to get a degree in learning how to record and do live sound stuff.



Excellent choice! There are some very gifted teachers there' date=' I'm told.... and you'll be scant blocks from Vanderbilt's famed Blair School of Music....


Get with your guidance counselors at school and get the forms for available grants/scholarships for Belmont. Apply for as many grants and scholarships as you can (NHS, Rotary Club, etc.)


To be safe, you might want to add a couple of other Universities, just in case. (My son listed his top choice, and two secondary choices)



If you have any questions, let me know. My son just went through all of this- he is attending Vandy next semester, and has about 95% of his tuition covered with grants and scholarships... [lol

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dont no what the current is with this years grades. im going into my senior year.



I hope the grammar police don't get in the way... If I were you I would write to each of the univesities you are interested in and ask what scholorship opportunities are available for that school... Every University has them and there is know way to know about them unless you ask.

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Every University has them and there is know way to know about them unless you ask.



That's one of the functions provided by the guidance counselors in High School. What he may need to dig for are the various personal and private sector scholarships.... (The Jane Doe Scholarship, provided by her parents, in memory of their daughter, the ACME Scholarship for Roadrunner protection, etc..)

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