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Modding Version 1


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it varys quite a bit.. I'm not sure because many are happy to slap in a few parts, while others want to go the whole way.. depends on experience and confidence so, it's a big mix.

you can get those posts out. the earlier ones had more as I recall.



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You can get turret boards for v1 amp with its weird standoff locations. It's possible to force a v2 turret board to fit in a v1 chassis if you enjoy more difficult challenges. But even the v1 factory board is still a good platform to learn the ropes on. And you'll get lots of practice finding and fixing lifted solder pads and traces on most any VJr pcb. The v3 board is a little better quality, but it certainly won't make anyone immune to the same old modder's headaches.


When you wear out the pcb, you can go hard core. Grind off all the traces and use it as a blank slate for your own homebrew eyelet board. Gotta love that.



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