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Bigsby Installation on Les Paul


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No notable difference between a B7 or B700 or you really have to be attached to the difference in US-made and imports.

Use a piece of sewingwire to line up the bigsby exactly in the middle. Anything off and it will hamper the mechanics of the Bigsby.

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the b7 is the original sand cast version and costs a bit more.

the b70 or b700 are the less expensive die cast versions.

I used a b70 on my epi lp just recently. and I can give you all sorts of tips and advice on that.

There's a bit of trickiness but nothing patience and attention can't overcome pretty easily.



It works great.. I love it. I'm glad I did it.


The tailpiece bushing holes aren't quite covered by the bigsby. so I made an aluminum piece and a pickguard piece to cover mine up.

I'll make you a set. free, too. If you want to go the same way as me.


I've been sick and I'm in a good mood.. cause I'm getting better finally. just don't rush me. .it takes quite a while to make the aluminum piece

and guard piece is tiny but a pain.


I saved some pics. so I'll post a couple now.. and I can run you through the steps, no problem. Glad to be of service.

first pic full guitar shot..

second pic look for the tiny black piece near the bar

third pic.. bigsby on with bushing hole showing

fourth pic bigsby on with bushing hole aluminum cover mounted

fifth pic different pic but same as fourth









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geez do I do bad pics or what? L*L



by the way.. I made it a tad smaller than this later on.. so these pics show the first version of the aluminum cover.. it matches the bigsby

and nearly seems part of it to my eyes..





takes a couple of hours so you're going to have to wait if you want a free one, until I get the free time.

I've gotta make up for lost time having been in bed for so many days.



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Wow man, thanks so much, but I'm a total noob and have NO idea what a bushing hole is...I'm guessing its where the stopbar used to be? Well, I'll probably end up doing this by myself so I'll need plenty of help. Unless, how much do you think a local SamAsh would do it for>? Also, I looked on some other boards and they recommended this http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Bridges,_tailpieces/Electric_guitar,_Tune-o-matic_bridges/Locking_Roller_Bridge_with_Bigsby_B70_Vibrato.html

It comes with a roller bridge?...what, haha

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I used a schaller on mine, as you may have noted.

Installation by a tech will probably run you.. at least fifty bucks.


a bushing hole is where the tailpiece bolts connect to the body.

they drill a hole, insert a bushing then you screw in the bolts that hold the tailpiece.

to remove them you get a headless bolt.. and remove the tail, then the bolts..

then you screw in the headless bolt.. since it has no head in continues to screw through to the back of the guitar.

it hits wood.. you keep turning.. it pushes out the bushing.

then you take a piece of dowel.. round hardwood.. and glue in in the empty hole after making sure it is flat with the top.


when you install the bigsby, as you can see, part of that hole/dowel still shows. That's why I made the aluminum piece, to cover that

ugly dowel and hole.


that's a very nice bridge... just make sure it's spaced, pole to pole, the same as an epi. StewMac will tell you.


I also added Grover locking tuners to mine.


The stew mac bigs is the same as mine, though a tad more expensive from them.

the locking bridge looks good and is a good price.

I don't know what their shipping charge is.

but that's a nice set up.


Installing a bigsby is a bit tricky, so you may be better off having it done for you.



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