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OT: blonde joke.


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A blonde and a brunette were watching the 11 O'clock news, and there was a story about a man on a ledge threatening to jump. The brunette says, "bet you 50 bucks he jumps" blondie says" I'll take that bet", next thing you know the guy jumps. Blondie hands over the 50 bucks, but the brunette says "I can't take your money, I saw this on the 6 O'clock news", blondie says "so did I, but I did'nt think he'd do it again"

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There's two sisters, one is a blonde one is a brunette. They are buying a bull in Texas. The brunette goes to pick the bull up when her car breaks down. She goes to a telegraph machine and the operator says it costs one dollar per word. The brunette notices that she has exactly one dollar with her. She thinks for what word she should send to her sister. She finally says "Comfortable. I'm sending the word comfortable." The operator asks why and the brunette says "She's a blonde, she'll read it slowly: Come-for-da-bull."



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