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pups/knobs advise for the noob drummer...


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Hello to all you Epi guruz!

New to the forum as well as new to guitar. I actually just make lotza racket... I was curious if anybody could help to shed some light on the idea of changing out pups in terms of an anticipated sound quality/guitar property match up. With a recent acquire of an Epi LP custom ltd ed, Been giving thought to changing the factory rigging out. I've read the threads advising to change out the caps too. Not being too terribly familiar, Sure stands to reason... I've read quite a bit concerning the good ol' U.S. electronics vs the "factory" rigging. This Epi I picked up has a SN "I0502XXXX", I believe is the Saein Korea factory..? Also, the tone knob for the bridge PU is stripped to an extent and I'd like to get a new set if possible. Don't get me wrong by this, It's in really good shape with the exception of the tone knob. And looking for a little more bite in tone. I roll it thru a Digitech GSP21 Legend that has the ol' overload at times issue..?#-o

I thank ya for any and all and keep the good info rollin'!!


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CTS or Alpha pots.. and I usually use Sprague Orange drop capacitors.

You can swap cap values or pot values to different effect.

go up with post.. like from 500K to 1Meg and you get more treble.

Same deal with caps. up or down in value to make less bright or more bright, but for humbucks, I'd stick with same

value, better cap.


dump all the pots and caps.. that would be my first recommendation.

It's pretty simple to do.. there are diagrams on the web, it's just soldering.. and many here can lead you through it.


I typically sell the stuff all soldered up on a piece of cardboard. that way you only have to disconnect the pickup wires

and solder very very little.


for pickups, GFS has the low end covered. reports vary as to which model, but it's a good starting place in here and many will have comments

on what they sound like.


You could go to seymours, or kent armstrongs, or dimarzio.. emgs... depends on what sounds you want to make, so that's just a question of asking enough folks and making up your mind.


I'd go with stock values on caps and pots.. just better quality.



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I can't thank you enough. I sure appreciate your time and expertise. Man, I had no idea you could tweak so much. Wow! An individual could sure dial a guitar in to specific wants... Shew... You go into cap and pot values, Now that's too cool! Sheez a drummer lost in the fog here. I will get busy on which way I think I'm needin' to go? A heavy growl, If that makes any sense..? It's a real cool guitar, Well the sharpest one I've ever owned any ol' way, Ya know. I really hate relying on the digi for the effect and then it acts up... I've been leaning toward a set of Seymours from what I've read as to the wood involved..? Be sure and shoot me a line on the warez and again thanks soooooooooo much!!

Thanks for all the great advise!

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