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Tuner installation.......


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For those members that have upgraded their Casino turners........I ordered a drop in replacement set that would cover existing screw holes and not require drilling my headstock to accomodate them and thus void my warranty........the tuners I was sent are Allparts Tk7930-010 grover locking tuners, however the do not fit the barrels will not slip into the existing hole. Has anyone else used these and if so how did you install them or what did you upgrade your tuners to that did not require modding the headstock and having screw holes left uncovered when they were installed.....................thanx




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I sent you the wrong tuners, I'm sure, and I apologise. I just spaced out the casino tuner difference.


Casinos have the Kluson style rear plates, and that set has different post and bushing requirements than the ones I sent you, and have

an upper and lower hole on the back plate.

The ones I sent fit dots sheris lps etc.



I screwed up, plain and simple.


I'm trying to see if Grover has a set with that style rear plate.. besides Imperials, I know Klusons would fit

but All Parts doesn't carry them.

I'm sure I'll find a set of Grovers, or Gotohs that are top quality, though.

Just send yours back and I'll get you a pm with url on the replacements.



I also want to say, Fubar didn't get his pickguard and switch tip.. but I have Proof of Delivery slip so I'll

check that today.

They were sent before the tuners, so should easily have been there by now.

If lost by the Post Office.. I'll make you a new one, and include the tip and send it out as soon as I know.


It's the first time they've lost anything, but I suppose there's always a first time.

I don't think the holidays caused a delay, because it was sent out too long ago and should have easily been there by now.


apology gifts included with replacement tuners.


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Firstly, I'm a little confused as to why you wished to air our business transaction in this forum, but seeing as you have to chosen to do so.........I told you on Dec 24 I would deal with this after Xmas, and I am here to do that now.......I purchased the pickguard and switch tip from you because you told me you had them in stock to sell, otherwise I would have gone to a shop locally and had one made.......as I have stated before in this forum I have been a Fender player for twenty years and epiphones are a relatively unknown to me which is what brought me to this forum......you like to come across as being knowledgable in the epiphone line and promote selling parts for them...... which is why I ordered the tuners thru you, thinking you knew what you were talking about and that I would get the right ones.....I was wrong to have done so.......


Grover makes a quality Kluson style replacement tuner that could have been installed with no modifications to the headstock which I have since purchased and and by doing so not voiding the warranty, as they could have been changed back out for the originals if the axe required servicing or replacing....


With respect to the pickguard and switch, on Dec 2 you said you had a pickguard and switch there for sale, .but would have to order in the tuners ......so I ordered the pickguard and switch, you were asked to ship right away......and to send the tuners along when you received them, you were also asked to send tracking numbers with both orders.......which I did not receive with either order, so feel free to post the tracking number for the pickguard and tip here and I will check it out to see where they are......you did not ship these stock items until Dec 13???


While I do accept your apology for the extremely long shipping time and your failure to notify me of same and for not keeping me in the loop, without my having to get hold of you for shipping updates.......and while I sympathize with all your health problems, these are not my issues, if you were unable to fulfill your end of our arrangement in a timely manner you should have returned my funds as quickly as I provided them to you for payment......


Gift??? what gift??? I am still waiting almost a month later for items I have paid for and not received, I am not waiting on any gifts......so please provide the tracking number here that you said you have so I can check to see where my purchases are.......I have bought guitars and amps in the lower 48 and received them in less time.......and never lost a purchase big or small, going either way! I always use tracking numbers to ensure prompt delivery and to protect both parties, so again where is mine that you say you have? and we will both check to see where these items are, sound reasonable?.......


I have over 500 transactions on my ebay account as a seller and buyer with a feedback percentage of 100% mostly gear purchases or parts for my sailboat and model T, that is because I take these transactions very seriously when dealing with people, especially when I don't know who they are and am very explicit in my providing of correct informantion so there is no confusion in the transaction, as you well know from my correspondence with you.......not to mention I expedite the matter and am not satisfied until the other party has what I have agreed to do and send......I have almost thirty posts to your account with respect to this matter!


So in order to conclude this matter like gentleman, I want to be immediately reimbursed for the tuners which I have since purchased so I could put my guitar back together and use, including the return postage back to you at which time I will provide you with a tracking number back........I don't see why I should be peanalized for your gaff.......secondly I will wait until the end of the month, if I have not received the pickguard and switch tip I want to be immediately reimbursed for them as well......as it is I will be charged by paypal for having these transactions on my account.


If this does not sound reasonable to you, please let me know ASAP........

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I'll make this short.

I didn't see my post as 'airing' anything at all.


I already told you, I made a mistake.

I already told you I have proof of delivery on the guard.


You send back the tuners, you get your money back. That's standard with me.

You send me your address, and I'll have a way to check that against the proof of delivery, and then we'll know whether it's me, you or the post office that screwed up.

Since I know I sent them, and trust you, I know it's the post office.


Speaking of 'airing' things, why haven't you responded to any of my pms for the last few days?

You will send me the tuners, and when I recieve them, I'll reimburse you. Standard business practice, take it or leave it.


I was going to include a small gift. by way of apology for forgetting you needed casino tuners.

Forget that.


I told you I would make you a guard.. that I had the switch tip in stock.

I shipped them as soon as I got the guard done.


You're right, my health problems are none of your concern.

Nor did I intend them to be. Jesus.. you're name fits you to a T.


Send me my tuners. I'll send your money back.

Send me your address, I'll check it against the post office proof of delivery numbers I have.


and by the way. the post office doesn't do tracking. and it's the cheapest way to send light packages.

I'd have been more than happy to have you pay UPS fees if you specified. You did not.


What you have is unfortunate. The PO lost your stuff..

and I made a mistake. I apologised for that, but all apologys are done with now. You chose not to accept them.

you chose instead to be tough. and righteous. and nasty.


By the way, no more pms. Send me the information here.

You were rude as hell in your reporting of all of this to me, and you're acting like a complete snot right now, and I don't wish to hear from you ever again in anything called a 'personal message'.


What do you do when the grocery clerk smashes your bananas? Call the Better Business Bureau?



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TWANG Posted: December 2, 2008 2:51:46 AM


they're b/w/b.. In fact I just made one and I can't figure out who for!

Could be a mistake.


Anyway.. lower 48 shipping included.. 14.00

it'll be like this..



My price fluctuates depending on what I've got for material sometimes. I need to be more consistent

or people will think I'm a crook instead of an idiot.


But, I can build you on quick if this one is really sold already.. gotta read so many pms to find out..

I need to start writing this stuff down like a biznizman instead of an old guitar player.





TWANG Posted: December 2, 2008 7:12:06 AM


shipping charges will vary according to how big the package is.

I don't have an url for long island music.. all I get so far is a music site..

but assuming we're still talking casino parts..

switch knob metric black 1.00



by the way did you change switch or pots to usa size? from epi metric, or not?


amp chicken head knobs in black..2.80 each x 10 (28.00)



black silver bell, two tone, two volume..10.00 (set of four)



12.00 for guard..


so total on that would be 51.00, and with that many knobs, shipping would probably

be around five bucks to canada.



we have to be sure these are the right parts..

for instance you may need a different spline for metric or usa pot shafts..

or you may need usa or metric size for the switch tip..

and same with knobs..


what have you got on it?



that's a quick check, since I don't know what sizes to check for sure..

let me know and I'll double check price and availability.


my paypal is coleman_patrick@hotmail.com

let's get our parts sizes straight and then see what we can do.






TWANG Posted: December 2, 2008 9:43:18 PM


It looks like I can't get the metric knobs unless I order them from All Parts..

Let me check right now. I may be able to do that..

But, I may not. since it's just knobs and a switch tip, the shipping charge there would

eat that up completely.

In other words you'd be better off going with ebay..

I think I've got a metric black switch tip.. but WD doesn't have the knobs with chrome or silver centers.


so right now it would be 15.00 for casino guard and switch tip.





TWANG Posted: December 2, 2008 9:43:18 PM


It looks like I can't get the metric knobs unless I order them from All Parts..

Let me check right now. I may be able to do that..

But, I may not. since it's just knobs and a switch tip, the shipping charge there would

eat that up completely.

In other words you'd be better off going with ebay..

I think I've got a metric black switch tip.. but WD doesn't have the knobs with chrome or silver centers.


so right now it would be 15.00 for casino guard and switch tip.





TWANG Posted: December 2, 2008 10:02:07 PM


yeah that'd cover it!

might be less on the shipping than that.. I'll check at shipping time and refund if so!

even to canada I don't think it would be five bucks for just a guard and tip..

have to weigh it though.. so.. this way I could just refund the difference when shipping.

okey doke?





TWANG Posted: December 3, 2008 4:01:06 AM


Grovers pop right in. I've never used the klusons, because they require redrilling the holes in the back of the headstock, unless you already have that type. Then they should be fine.


I'll check the shaft and bushing size, but I'm sure they're standardized.


I use locking tuners most often, just for the quick string changes..but a non bigs guitar doesn't really need 'em.


full size rotomatic 18:1 in chrome would be my choice.

for a few bucks more you can get them with Imperial style buttons.. which look really slick.



either set 46.00 plus shipping from me.

they ship pretty cheap.. call it 3.00, probably a bit more to canada, but I'll cover that.



I forget what casinos come with.. I think they come with Grovers.. but not the Rotomatics.

locking grovers are nice


and are only 10.00 more than the others.. I'd charge you 5.00 more for them.

that'd be my choice.. easy to tune.. hold tune..


so 46.00 plus 3.00 or 51.00 plus 3.00.





TWANG Posted: December 3, 2008 6:43:40 PM


will do on declared value..

I always list as gift when shipping too.. some countrys tax it otherwise.

chrome tuners yep..

the deal on the knobs is the splines don't line up.. I'm still gonna call one more time

I may find some that fit yet.




TWANG Posted: December 3, 2008 8:31:59 PM


You forgot to tell me which tuners you wanted.

chrome grover locking?





TWANG Posted: December 3, 2008 8:32:43 PM


ok on the knobs..




TWANG Posted: December 3, 2008 8:53:34 PM


ok order them now.. probably get them in with the other stuff if we're lucky..they haven't sent an order confirm on that, so I'll call 'em in now.





TWANG Posted: December 9, 2008 7:15:55 PM


where are we exactly?

I've got all my messages messed around..

tell me everything!


sheesh. what a day this has been.

about nine zillion guards and on and on..





TWANG Posted: December 9, 2008 11:41:29 PM


No they haven't been shipped. WD messed up my orders completely..

You have a casino guard made.. and ready.

I have the tuners on order from all parts now. I'm hoping they get here by friday.

the switch tip.. what color.. black isn't it? and metric?

I have a note on that but can't read my writing.

I have switch tips in stock though so that can go out.


I'm sorry about the delay. WD screwed up four orders in a row.. I've had to return tuners

twice now.. three other guys got their orders messed up, they double billed me, and to top it off

used the wrong card. All I got from them was excuses and I no longer do business there at all.


In all the time I've done business I've never had so many things go wrong at the same time.

Though it's not the first time WD messed stuff up.






TWANG Posted: December 9, 2008 11:46:23 PM


ok cool..

I have two payments.. one for 20.00 and one for 54.00.

I'll get the guard and switch tip out right away.. just update me on color and metric/usa size.

and I'll get your tuners out as soon as they arrive.


I lost two orders due to this crap from WD.. a bigsby and a whole set of control covers.

I hope I don't lose your order as well.





TWANG Posted: December 11, 2008 2:44:16 AM


Will ship tomorrow morning!





TWANG Posted: December 11, 2008 5:26:06 AM


The B/W/B Casino guard and the black switch tip.

Unless you want me to wait on the tuners...




TWANG Posted: December 13, 2008 6:49:57 PM


guard and tip sent..

I think your tuners are the ones I'm waiting on.. should be here monday!

tuesday at the latest.. have to check the tracking no.. just a sec..

yep in kansas city now..

so looks like monday.





TWANG Posted: December 17, 2008 11:31:57 AM



tuners in..yesterday. Was still in bed.

Will ship them out today though.





TWANG Posted: December 17, 2008 1:41:14 PM


Send my your full address..

I've got such a mess around here from being sick, I can't find the darn thing.





TWANG Posted: December 17, 2008 2:34:40 PM


sheesh.. yer address is in paypal.

rick obrien..

I've been way too sick!


getting tuners out today.

chrome locking grovers.. lifetime warranty..


then I'm going back to bed!!






TWANG Posted: December 23, 2008 1:56:28 PM


I don't get it. I will check my 'proof of delivery' for the guard and tip.

should have been there long ago.


Every epiphone I've had, except the g310, took grovers without a problem.


Your casino has Kluson style tuners, I'd bet.

With a top and bottom screw hole on the back casing?

That can be the only reason the ones I sent don't fit.

There are Grovers that are that style. Same tuners, just a different

backplate, and I'd guess that's where I screwed up.

It's not the only time I've gotten something wrong.

But it is the first time I've ever had something not recieved.


Guard and tip were sent first.

I'll get to the Post Office today and try to figure this out. I have all the proof of delivery

slips for everything I send out. If they lost it, or the holidays delayed it, I'll know today.

If they lost it, or they beleive it was delayed, I'll get back to you. I doubt it was delayed due to holidays

as it was sent long ago enough to have gotten there. But, one can't know until one checks.


As for the tuners, return them, I'll order you the correct set.


I hope you'll accept my apology and still want tuners that fit. But if you'd rather just return them, that's cool, too.




TWANG Posted: December 23, 2008 2:52:38 PM


I have a Doctors appointment this morning for my stupid skin cancer, so I can't get to the post office until this afternoon.

and I don't have time to call All parts.. but.

I did check out the webpage and I'll give them a call as soon as I get back and double check which of these fit properly.

In the meantime, you take a look and let me know which you like the look of for buttons etc.

If we have to adjust price, we'll go down.. not up. IOW if they cost me more, since I screwed up,

I wont add to the agreed cost, or charge for shipping them to you.

(unless we have to go to something much more expensive.. then the option will be

to cancel and I'll return your shipping costs if you do.)

I do screw up once in a while, but I don't screw anyone over, especially on my misakes.

You can do me one favor here.. send me your full name and address so I don't have to

mess around trying to find it in pms.. that will help me get the Post Office deal straight.

I just noticed that on some proof of delivery slips they write your name on them.. but on others

they put some goofy number on there, which is useless to me.. I'm assuming they'll have a record.

No matter what they mess up, you'll get your guard and switch tip.

Casino, b/w/b with black metric switch tip. I have the tip in stock, I'll make a new guard if

I have to and get it done tomorrow or next day for sure.




TWANG Posted: December 23, 2008 2:59:05 PM


I will have to check fit.. I'll do that when I call, If I didn't say that before.


I think what happened, not that I'm blaming anyone else, is that when WD messed up all my orders

I screwed up being in a hurry and then messed your order up.

Stupid of me, and I'm sorry about it.

Nearly every pm says CASINO right in it, so the above would be a paltry excuse at best.


But again, full return including original shipping if I can't find you some tuners that fit and are

what you want.


I stopped doing business with WD because the messed me around too many times.

They're the only ones who have the Klusons that are repros for the casino, 335 that have your style.


The hassle will be the buttons.. whether or not you like keystones, and if you do, the


would be great if they fit.



would also be very classy and are excellent tuners.


Again, sorry.

Been in business here for over two years.. by the way. Nothing fake about this, and I'm not the only person who makes mistakes.







TWANG Posted: December 23, 2008 11:45:19 PM


I spent way too much time at the Dr.s and never got back to town.. Dr. is located in the city.. so I didn't get to the post office or get back in time to make calls.

I will asap.


Gotta get a colonoscopy.. oh joy. Nothing like three feet of cable up your bum.

And have a mole removed.

Anyway, I had to spend too much time there, and just didn't get back until too late.

so I'll get to it as soon as I can.


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I'll make it even shorter and let this be a warning to the other members dealing with you.......


when my bananas get smashed which would be a first dumb ***, I call over the manager ask him where he hired such a dumb *** that would smash my bananas........


so wheres your proof of delivery on the guard you can't even find my address LOL.......your a bullshitter and your busted!!! the post office didn't lose anything you bullshitter you never sent them.....


I have a surprise coming for you ******, standard business practise with paypal and my cardholder, you wanna play games with me ****** lets rock.......


I would get in for that colonscopy real soon ******, cuz your brains turned to ****!!! be talking to you real soon.

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Is there a moderator for this forum that can clean this up? Both of these threads (this and the business dealings thread) should be eliminated, and you have to be stupid to post all of your personal emails/responses on your personal business transaction.


Haha look how normal and calm the OP sounded in the first message, and then look what happened by the third or so response. There's no need for lthat kind of language, geez. If this is an Ebay matter than air your complaints there.

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