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Arm for a '04 Wildkat ?


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I tried a search but didn't come up with an answer. It's always a challenge though as I don't know if I'm trying the right keywords.


Anyhow, there's a Wildkat available in my area but it's missing the arm on the tailpiece. I may snag it if it's not to challenging or expensive to find a replacement arm.


Will it be easy to find a replacement? If so, any thoughts on what the cost would be for a new or used arm?


Thanks in advance for any assistance!

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Thanks CB!


~ $30 US. Not too bad. Any thoughts on how well it'll fit?


You're quite welcome. I (however) have never replaced one, so I'm

not sure, about "fit?" But, if you get the one for the "licensed" version

(Asian) it should be fine. The USA version might work as well...don't really know.

Not sure if the Asian version is more "metric" like a lot of their other parts are,

or not...maybe Twang or someone else will know?


www.stewmac.com is another source...and you can always use the 800 number

and check with them, first...probably the other (WDmusic) guys, too.


Good luck!


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