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Epiphone stock to Dimarzio d Activators


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Hey gang, What's goin on...

I just ordered a pair of DiMarzio d Activators, Neck and bridge. I apologize I don't have the part#'s in front of me just now... At any rate, Without changing out the stock pots, etc am I sacrificing the pickup and guitars capability? In other words, I think I read somewhere... "Like putting 5k wheels on a 500.00 bucket of bolts..." I also in my runnin around picked up a Peavey XXL halfstack. Please bare in mind, Not promoting anything or anybody ya know. I just got it for the bucks. Purdy descent shape overall... 250.00. Sooooo, Just curious what the thought is on installing the pickups without going into the rest of the rigging changeover just yet..?

Thanks for any and all!!

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I'm not sure about how the electronics in an average Epi are but I heard a few comments about the overall quality of the parts and some folks upgrading theirs to all-Gibson stuff.


I bought a pair of SD pups last year for an Epi standard, complete with covers and all. I was going to install those and remembered what I read. I asked here about upgrading the electronics, also to satisfy my frustrating GAS case!


Long story short, playing the thing last night the toggle switch died! Started making a funny noise and then no sound at all! So there you go, now imagine having that nice Epi sitting there with brand new SD pups and a messed up $20 switch!


If you can, upgrade the electronics, that's what I think, but there's people here who who much more about this things than I do.

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Hey Canine,

Yes sir, I guess it was a kind of goofy thing to ask. I will have to do some more research into the pots as what I've read has a major effect + and - on an overall sound. Not sure what would be the better solution as far as a match, 250k-500k with these particular Dimarzio pickups..?=D> I sure thank you for your time and expertise!

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Took her in today and had an opportunity to shoot the breeze with the guitar tech at a local shop here. I talked to him about the stock electronics, etc. He will install the new DiMarzio's, Check everything out real good and keep truckin... He really just kinda laughed and said, "Are you having any problems with anything, Knobs, switch..?" I told him no, As I haven't been ya know. I told him about the tone knob for the bridge pickup, A bit squirly. He pulled the knob off and said, Well, do you see how the spin itself is slightly collapsed... Uh yeah... ya know... Well he spread it open slightly and now the knob works like new. Duh...:) At any rate, He said, "Why don't we just get your new pickups in and get some new strings on it and see what you think..." Told me honestly the guitar is in very good shape, Neck is straight, Looks like it's been well taken care of. I guess in a way, It was purdy cool to know somebody just didn't jump and start wailin on your wallet..? I realize tho, In time I'll have to get busy with the have to stuff. $40.00 and new strings... Thought it was purdy cool of him tho=d>

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If you are handy with a soldering iron, you can swap out the pots for 500k CTS pots for less than 20 bucks, maybe 25 if you buy a roll of wire and replace all that too. The switch is kind of an "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" thing, but the 500k pots will definitely make a noticable difference in tone. You can also order a 1 Meg ohm pot from Stew Mac, for about 6 bucks each. Those are supposed to "let your guitar run wide open," according to the site. I've never tried them, so I can't say for sure. I do usually replace the pots in my epis with 500k pots though, and the difference is always worth it. Especially with aftermarket pups.


To stick with your car analogy, replacing the pups and not the pots is like putting a 1900 dollar stereo in your car, and keeping the factory speakers. Yeah, it'll sound better... But if you go the extra step, it'll sound MUCH better.

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Yes sir, I will eventually get to everything else. Yeah it's amazing how relatively inexpensive some of the component upgrades are and such important upgrades... Went in and picked up the Epi this evening and believe it or not, I havn't had a snobalz chance yet. We play tomorrow night so I have to put the ol drummer face back on. Shew! Polishin the chrome and brass ya know. I sure do appreciate all the input, You guys are great!!!:D

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