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I'm posting a pic of a guitar I think is an Epiphone but I'm not sure. Keep in mind I completely re-did this guitar. Everything and anything you see here (except the neck and body) is NOT original. I replaced EVERYTHING. I found this in a garage sale for 10 or 20 bucks and after many hours and a couple hundred dollars later this is what I came up with. Plays and sounds great. Has a distinct sound. Anyway if any of you can tell me what this guitar used to be I'd appreciate the input. PEACE................ Ok.....I just found out I can't post pics here............I'll put it on my profile pic. But that means you'll only see one of the pics.Thanks in advance. ( notice the extra long headstock)












I need to know if I'm doing this posting stuff correctly. Here are the links to the pics of the guitar. Remember nothing is stock on this guitar.

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If its the one in your avatar, it looks like an Epiphone S-210 or 310. There were also S-400, 500, and 600 models. The 210s and 310s seemed to usually have the SSS config like yours. The higher models numbers, I believe usually had a Humbucker at the bridge.

I have an S-500 HSS config with some janky 2-point fulcrum standard bridge with fine tuners on it....yet uses a Floyd Rose non-recessed routing pattern.


So yeah, lests see some bigger pics of that guitar.

Any numbers on it anywhere? Backplate? Sticker on the neck?

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