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70s Vox Solid State Amps

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When I was younger my dad always had one of these 70s Vox Escort amps (Normal, Fuzz, Bright inputs) 30-75 watts, vintage cloth front, gold logo. Looked like a beatle amp, loud enough for my room and small gigs. When I moved out of my house my dad let me take this with me and I've always thought they were killer amps for the price.


I've recently bought two Vox escort 50w lead amps for a 60s band I'm playing in and they're great! Just wondering if anyone has experienced these non-valve alternatives?

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When I was in-between High School, and College (1968-69), we had a decent band, and used (6) Vox Super Beatle Amps,

and Altec Lansing "Voice of the Theater" PA, and had killer tone. Bigger venues we used all 6 (2-each), but most of the

time we just used 3! The only "bummer" at that time, was the amps seemed to start "fading" in an out, volume wise, after

about a year. Seems it was "typical" for that series of the (Thomas Organ Co.) Vox amps, including the smaller "Royal Guardsman" and others. But, when they worked well, the tone was amazing!

Some folks that have re-furbished the old "Super Beatle" amps, have replaced the "less than ideal" (AKA "Cheap") components with good ones...and it seems to have fixed the problem. If I ever get any "extra" funds, for an amp, I may just look into one, again?


Have you noticed, too...that the all Tube AC-50CPH and AC-100CPH heads and combo amps, have gone WAY down in selling price. Some suspect, their "Chinese components" aren't too reliable??? Don't have any experience, myself, so can't say...one way or the other. But, if they're not really that bad, the prices sure are a lot more reasonable!

Be interesting to hear from anyone here, that HAS experience with them, what they think. The "Hybrid" Valve-state Vox have a good reputation, though. So...???



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My amp experience started with a high gain marshall stack and my first epiphone casino so we were sworn enemies from the start. I have a few vox solid states and a vox valvetronix as well as a fender valve amp and a marshall valve state amp. I'm not a big valve man because I rarely find myself in a situation that warrants such a powerful amp and I quite like the idea of pushing equipment to the limits. I play in a band that is very much 'old school' so for me the old vox solid states work and have never had any problems except for some over-bassiness on some and a few crakling controls that have needed a well deserved service but for the price you get the look and a sound to fit at least one's bedroom, if not a gig....

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Yeah, we pushed those old "Super Beatle" amps pretty hard...probably ran them "flat out," at the time. Seems "Crazy" now, but....I was 19 at the time, and everyone was doing that, So...that's life! So, I suppose night after night of "flat out," would cause havoc on ANY amp, SS or Tube. LOL! But, I have to say, I really LOVED the tone, of those Vox amps! We used good "dynamics" and used the volume and tone controls on our guitars a LOT! So, even though it was quite loud, it didn't really seem "over the top," if you know what I mean? Just "solid," and very tight!



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I had a Vox Berkely 30 watt 2x10 in the late 60's, but it was tube. Nice sound, not enough power sometimes. I had a Super Beatle for a while that was up for sale by a friend in another band. He let me use it for a month or so while he had it up for sale. Nice amp, too much power and a pain to haul around. I should have bought that amp and kept it. The Super Beatle is a legend nowadays.

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