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cryoset tubes?

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Try them and see. I personally doubt it very much. I smelled marketing hype the moment I saw those, and as I recall, they initially targeted the over-budgeted and highly gullible tube amp hi-fi market, so one could totally expect it to be nothing but hype. Seems as though all you need to do in order to sell overly-priced products to that market is to waive any kind of mystical hocus pocus over it, claim that the mystical hocus pocus makes your product better than anything else, and distribute some marketing materials to support that claim.

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Try them and see. I personally doubt it very much. I smelled marketing hype the moment I saw those' date=' and as I recall, they initially targeted the over-budgeted and highly gullible tube amp hi-fi market, so one could totally expect it to be nothing but hype. Seems as though all you need to do in order to sell overly-priced products to that market is to waive any kind of mystical hocus pocus over it, claim that the mystical hocus pocus makes your product better than anything else, and distribute some marketing materials to support that claim. [/quote']true, the problem is, i don't really want to buy both a tungsol from here and from somewhere else... and i don't want to buy another sovtek 12ax7WA...


and yeah... hi fi...



"warmest sound and the clearest highs ever heard from an ipod docking station"

i'd like to give those people a good slap...

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