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Value of a mid-late 90's Tarada Made Riviera


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Hey cats,


I'm debating on buying what appears to be a mid 90's Tarada made Epiphone Riviera. Very unusual baby blue finish, full size humbuckers, stock stop-bar tailpiece (with bigsby added) and an all around rare bird.


It is a lefty, but can someone give me a rough Idea of what these things usually sell for? What would you say a fair median re-sale price of this particular guitar is? I don't care if it's right handed or left handed. I know left handed values can be more, but the re-sale market is much slimmer.


Any ideas would be appreciated so much!




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Is that the one currently (4-20-2010) on E-bay?


IF so...Katana is a well known dealer, on E-bay, and

they will get whatever they can, for their instruments.

Being a "lefty," and Terada made, will enhance the price.


As to if it's "worth" it? That would be up to you, or the

buyer. It's certainly worth it, in terms of construction,

and their normal playability. Seems to be in decent shape,

for a 15 year old guitar. So...???



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Thats good to know, My only gripe is obviously US customs tax....shipping is what it is being from oversea's.....But when all is said and done....is a Tarada made Riviera lefty or not worth over 1200 bucks?? Granted...it is a rare guitar


What I REALLY want, is an older Gibson ES-335, but this thing is unique....granted it's an EPI but not reallllly an EPI coming out of the Tarada plant in Japan, not only is it unique that I'm a lefty, but the finish on this thing ( to me) is very cool, and very un-usual....I have ZERO experience with playability or neck shape and feel/sound of these guitars...


It's obviously much less than any 335 you can find on the vintage market in a lefty, and I'd probally hang onto a guitar like this for a long long time, my only concern is wayyy overpaying

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Well, have you priced a used "Elitist" Riviera, lately?! Only real difference, on this one, is the finish (color)

and the "Crown" headstock inlay. The Elitist had the stepped oval, as was in the Kalamazoo made, USA originals.

But, again...that MIJ and being a rare "lefty" and color, will only enhance it's value...to a left handed player, anyway.


You could always "wait and see," if some other person, or dealer, will have one, for less?



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Haha right on man, I've been "waiting and seeing" for over a year and a half... I hawk ebay daily...almost on an hourly basis thanks to the iphone...


I've been communicating directly with the seller, to see if he'll make me a deal on it (via katanaguitars) if it doesn't sell on ebay. It's good to know that he is a reputable seller. Only other concern I would have is....NO hard shell case....which concerns me primarily for shipping reasons from abroad.

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Well, I'm sure he could sell you a (new) case, for it, too. Be worth it, in the long run,

as long as his case price wasn't out of line, that is. I had my MIJ (Epi) '61 SG Standard

sent from Japan...That dealer had free shipping and NO Customs, and it was only in a "gig bag,"

but...it arrived in perfect condition, and was even in tune! LOL! That dealer used the Japanese

Postal Service, as opposed to Fed Ex, or DSL, UPS etc. It went through our USPS when

it arrived in the states. The box had lots of stickers on it, but otherwise was in excellent

condition, for traveling that far. I got it, in less than 5 days, too. So...anything's possible.



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I wish anyone out there who could give me an idea of how the import duty tax from Japan to U.S. works....would let me know


I am completely new to this whole concept, I know that there will be import duty taxes associated with the purchase, but not sure if they go by value, weight, invoice amt? Or all of the above.


So if the purhcase price of the guitar is say $1000.00 US dollars

Shipping to states is $140.00


I would imagine i'm going to get hit with no less than $150.00 in import taxes, man what a bummer, if not more.

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Well' date=' I'm sure he could sell you a (new) case, for it, too. Be worth it, in the long run,

as long as his case price wasn't out of line, that is. I had my MIJ (Epi) '61 SG Standard

sent from Japan...That dealer had free shipping and NO Customs, and it was only in a "gig bag,"

but...it arrived in perfect condition, and was even in tune! LOL! That dealer used the Japanese

Postal Service, as opposed to Fed Ex, or DSL, UPS etc. It went through our USPS when

it arrived in the states. The box had lots of stickers on it, but otherwise was in excellent

condition, for traveling that far. I got it, in less than 5 days, too. So...anything's possible.





This guy is using "EMS" which I believe is they're international shipping service, maybe the same as your referring to?


Man you lucked out with no shipping and no customs tax!

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This guy is using "EMS" which I believe is they're international shipping service' date=' maybe the same as your referring to?


Man you lucked out with no shipping and no customs tax![/quote']



Yeah, there were several of us, on this forum, that bought those SG's from him.

He (apparently) had several NOS guitars, and they sold out, pretty quickly, as

you can imagine.


With this one being "Used," it may not require much (if any) import duty? Not sure.

Maybe you can "bargain" for that, as well? Might depend on how anxious he is, to

sell it? Hope it all works out, for you...keep us posted, and if you DO get it..."photos,"

are a must, here. ;>)



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Oh I'll be postin photos videos the whole 9 ha ha....First I'm trying to figure out How I can scrape up the money for it, and 2. I'm doing some reading with the US customs office, trying to figure out what import taxes are going to be, because based on my reading...it's looking like another $200 at least, which really....really bums me out big-time.


I wish I could find out more about this import duty tax thing, I'm racin against time trying to get to the bottom of it quickly.



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That site' date=' may(?) help you.





Thanks for the post...


I just went through the motions of lookin up import taxes etc, through the Customs office and looked up the right section for stringed musical instruments, but it is so confusing i'm not sure how to read it. There's another site I read that said if the item is valued at under $1000 (which this guitar actually is) there would be no customs tax. I've heard about 10 different things so far, really confused. All I know for certain is I think this guitar is bad a** and I want it, but not sure I want to pay out the ying yang for it.

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'09 Blue Book say the Metallic Light Blue Rivs were made from '94 through '98. The book says it's supposed to have a Frequensator tailpiece like most Rivs though.[blink]


98% Mint is $525 + 25% for the Metallic Blue, so $650 to $675ish.


But that book is over a year old. And those blues are pretty rare these days, not to mention it's a southpaw.


Plus it has GIG BAG! [thumbup]

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'09 Blue Book say the Metallic Light Blue Rivs were made from '94 through '98. The book says it's supposed to have a Frequensator tailpiece like most Rivs though.[blink]


98% Mint is $525 + 25% for the Metallic Blue' date=' so $650 to $675ish.


But that book is over a year old. And those blues are pretty rare these days, not to mention it's a southpaw.


Plus it has GIG BAG! [thumbup



Well, was that for "Japanese made" Rivieras? I just found my (2008) "Vintage Guitar" Price Guide,

and it says 1993 to 2006 were "Korean" made. But, the one shown IS Japanese, so it may

be for ONLY the Japanese domestic market, and not for export. That's the way my Epi MIJ '61 SG was

designated/sold. Gibson didn't allow that authentic Gibson headstock design on imports to the USA.

The import versions were, and had the "Elitist" headstock. So...the plot thickens (maybe?)...LOL!


But, Daniel could use that figure, as a bargining tool. So, that's good to know, anyway.



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Well, thats what I was guessing basing my figures on previous sales and serious digging around on the WWW.....I agree it's a rare finish, rare guitar, rare that it's a lefty, but I don't think it's a quote un-quote a "good enough guitar" to be paying 40% over average market value for...I learned that average US customs taxation on an item like this are going to be anywhere from 7-10% of the price+shipping. So let's just say that I bought the guitar for $1000, payed the $140 for shipping...I'm going to pay another $140-$160 in customs charges...if not more....Over $1300 for a used Epiphone?? I don't think I can justify that with myself....now we're crossing over into Tokai Territory (If i'm gonna go MIJ) and I've seen ES-120's going for around the same price or lower with hard shell cases. ES-120's (not the newer ES-130's with different headstock) are also fantastic guitars, and I've heard a few that sounded killer.


I think the guy is just simply asking too much, in hopes that someone like me will just "have to have it." That would probally explain the lack of bids.

Granted what's a bigsby going for now? $175-200? If this had the hard case I might be able to justify the cost.

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Regarding my last post....I guess I should not add a Bigsby as justifying the cost, as some buyers might look at that as a negative aspect of toying with the guitars originality....Someone who's not a Bigsby fan wouldn't like the screw holes in an otherwise really nice looking guitar...

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And, what the Hell...you may run across an "Elitist" Riviera, that's here in the states. Those are Great!

And, identical to Kalamazoo spec's, save the finish being Poly, instead of "Nitro." But, the Poly is so well

done, it's really no big deal.


Plus, he (Katana) may come down, on price, too...if it doesn't get even one bid? Who knows?

Good luck, whatever you decide.



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I'm definately not buying it at that price, I think it's too much.


Do the newer Elistists have full size HB though? Thats the selling point on this one.....I've played a few with mini HB and their a little shrill for my liking....with this one, I can dump a set up 57classics in there and it would probally sound like a million bucks...plus the bigsby, gotta have a bigsby...I'm a bigsby guy!

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Well' date=' was that for "Japanese made" Rivieras? I just found my (2008) "Vintage Guitar" Price Guide,

and it says 1993 to 2006 were "Korean" made. But, the one shown IS Japanese, so it may

be for ONLY the Japanese domestic market, and not for export. That's the way my Epi MIJ '61 SG was

designated/sold. Gibson didn't allow that authentic Gibson headstock design on imports to the USA.

The import versions were, and had the "Elitist" headstock. So...the plot thickens (maybe?)...LOL


I was wondering about that too. The '09 BB I have doesn't make any mention of MIJ Rivs...

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Welll, I don't know, Daniel...I'd hate for you to pay (way) too much, but if it's made in the same factory as the "Elitists,"

I'm quite sure it's very well made, and good materials, too. So, in another way, I'd hate to see you miss a good

opportunity, too. ???? I guess it really depends on how "desperate" you are, for a MIJ, Metallic Blue, Riviera with

Bigsby? LOL


Are you having any luck, "negotiating," with the seller? Maybe, he could "eat" the shipping, or throw in a (new) case, etc.?



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I emailed him and told him if the guitar didn't sell via the auction, I'd be more than interested in working out a deal directly. I'm not desperate by any means for this particular guitar, what I am desperate for however, is a well built, great looking, great sounding semi-hollow 335 style guitar...preferablly with a bigsby....which is also coincidentally, left handed. I had no prior knowledge of these MIJ riviera's before I stumbled accross this little plunk. Truthfully, What I really want....is a vintage ES-335 lefty in a natural or faded translucent red finish...with a nice flame to it, and not the horizontal tiger-striping I see on a lot of the newer models. I found one on the internet somwhere, I believe it's a 70's model...and it's ohhhh, $6000?? Haha


Truth be told, I don't have the money for ANY of it right now, and I'd be spending outside of my means to buy this guitar. But it seems to me that for right around $1000 dollars, this is right up my alley, plus the finish is unique and you don't see it everyday. There is a heritage lefty in the states for sale right now, but I have a friend with one (right handed though) and It doesn't blow me away. Matter of fact, I don't like it at all, look feel or sound.


If this guitar was Buy It Now for $850 I wouldn't think twice, but add in the rediculous shipping from Japan, plus customs...and at the end of the day your paying almost $300 in tax. I guess I could just hawk ebay, craigslist, and guitar shows for the next few years until I find the guitar I realllly want, but as a lefty those days are very limited.

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I have the money to buy it....but it's definately on the "shouldn't be buying/how can I swing this" list though....trust me, If I had the extra cash....the "gotta have it" urge would've kicked in a lot earlier, and I'd be playing this thing in a week or so. I probally would have bought it already too if it wasn't for the customs tax, even at that price. But to me, the guitar is worth about $850 tops on it's own with no shipping or tax.

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