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Epi Les Paul Prophecy "EX vs GX"


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I'm looking at either the Les Paul Prophecy GX or EX, can't decide which one is right for me. I probably play 70 to 80 percent metal, but do like to play some "softer" stuff once and a while.


Basically it all comes down to whether I should get the dirty fingers or EMG's.


2 questions for you....


1) What is the better of the two for pickups (EMG's or dirty fingers) for someone with my musical taste ?


2) If you recommend one over the other, what amp would you recommend to compliment the guitar (I have $500 that will be going toward replacing my Line 6 Spider III 75 watt) ?



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Welcome to the forum :-$


I faced the same predicament myself a while ago; I play mostly hard rock and metal, but not always. I went to my local music chain store and played around with both, they were both equally nice feeling guitars, so I asked to plug in the EX, and the helpful [confused] sales assistant took me to a demo room and plugged me into a Marshall AVT100 half stack. It blew my mind how amazing the thing sounded, and after a couple of sloppy riffs (my first electric [biggrin]) I bought it on the spot, no regrets. A few months later I scored an amazing deal on a Marshall AVT100 combo, and we've been blowing doors down ever since.


I've since bought an Explorer, and got a Gibson Dirty Fingers (same as the Prophecy GX) to stick in it, but it just wasn't to my taste, and I now have a set of chrome EMGs (85/60) coming for it. [biggrin]


So, in answer to your questions:

1) I think EMGs. As long as you do the (simple) 18v mod, EMGs can do anything.

2) I recommend trying out a Marshall Valvestate (The AVT series, the VS ones suck,) although it is a particularly subjective tone (read: People scoff at the words 'Valvestate' and 'Hybrid,' then ask me how I got my amazing tone.)


I was bored so I even went as far as to record you some clips from my LP Prophecy EX:



Some stuff:

I've swapped the pickups around (85 in the bridge, 81 in the neck) as I prefer the tone. All of them were recorded on the bridge pickup.

The sounds in the clip: First riff is straight into the mixer, no effects or anything, the rest are using Amplitube 3. Second riff is a blackface model, Third is some kind of Orange model (AD30?) The Fourth and fifth are some kind of Mesa head with mildly varying gain settings. [biggrin]

It's far too early for me to be awake (read: 2pm) so my timing is all over the place, but you get the idea.

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Nace playing, Sjael ... and those EMG's do warm up more than I would have given them credit for ...


However, I am of the opposit opinion (keeps thing lively, at least) in that I feel that the GX version of the guitar is the way to go. "Dirty Fingers" are Gibson's highest output piuckups and can scream and yell with the best of them. Moreover, they can warm up and produce the thickest, jazziest tones as well. The guitar has real personality and is extremely versatile ...


Give a listen to a tune I recorded some time ago. It features the Les Paul Prophecy GX as well as a Fender Strat (you'll be able to tell then apart ... trust me!)


Work With Long Stride


With apologies to players that like 'em, EMG's are just too harsh to my ears ... even on clean settings. My other problem with them as that they all tend to sound the same and take away from the "personality" of the guitar. In other words, nail 'em to a hockey stick and they'll sound just like every other EMG-equipped axe.


As with anything regarding guitar ... it's all up to the ears and hands of the player. Get out there and play them both. Whichever way you go, you'll be getting one of the finest guitars built at any price IMHO. I bought the SG version of the guitar after owning the LP for a little while ... they are just that damn good!



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I now have a set of chrome EMGs (85/60) coming for it. [biggrin]

That's an... :-s interesting:-s...combo. What do you get out of the 85 in the bridge position? Because EMG specifies the 85 as a neck pickup. I do quite like the 60 though. That's their best pickup, IMHO.

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That's an... :-s interesting:-s...combo. What do you get out of the 85 in the bridge position? Because EMG specifies the 85 as a neck pickup. I do quite like the 60 though. That's their best pickup' date=' IMHO.[/quote']

They also developed it as a bridge pickup before that silly man painted a target on his guitar and put it in the neck position. [biggrin]


In terms of tone, they are very similar, but the 85 sounds a tad fuller, and harmonics seem much clearer. I was actually astonished at how nice pinch and natural harmonics sounded compared to the 81. It's probably just placebo though. :-k

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I had the same dilemma a couple months ago when I got my SG Prophecy.


I eventually chose the EX. I never had active pickups but had plenty of hot passives, so I thought why not give it a try.

And I like the EMG's. I don't think they're sterile or cold sounding.


The EX also comes with a battery compartment, so if you want to swap the 81 & 85 for something else active, you don't have to look for a place to put the battery.


In my case, the EX was also almost 50 EUR cheaper, so that helped too ;-)

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