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Pickups for a Les Paul


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Hey guys

I require your help in deciding what pickups to use in my Les Paul, as it currently has none.

Id like to get a versatile set, which can sound Slash/Randy, but can also be used for more bluesy stuff like B.B King.

Since i like to play a large variety of music (from blues to metal, though i wont be playing much metal on my LP), which pickups would you recommend?


Thanks very much

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My personal favorites are the Burstbucker Pros. We are using those in the LP Standard '08 models. Some of our most popular, and considered to be versitile are the '57 Classics. A lot of folks like those.


If I were you, I'd go to a dealership and pick up a bunch of different Les Paul models. Don't even worry about what pickups are in them until you find the ones you like- then ask. It may surprise you! That's a good way to be objective about your decision... just listen to them first!

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