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Epiphone Rivera Chinese...Korean...New...Used...Standard...Valensi ?


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So I'm in the market for something with humbuckers that suits my styles of play. I had been looking at SGs originally which I thought were great, but I'm not sure I can handle the wide neck and topheavy issues. Then I moved onto Gibson Les Pauls. I was blown away by the 08 Standards and even the Traditional. The only bugbear is the price which I can't justify at the moment.


So I reckon I want to get a semi-hollow Epiphone with humbuckers. I used to own a Casino which was fantastic but I sold that last year to get a Jag. I've settled on an Epiphone Rivera.


I'm rambling but I'm basically troubled by this issue:


When I bought my Casino (Korean) I compared it to a new Chinese made one in the store, and they were worlds apart. They felt and sounded like totally different guitars, and the Korean was far better.


Now the options open to me are buying a used Korean Riviera Standard, or, buying a new Nick Valensi Sig Riviera. Aside from the humbuckers being different will I notice a massive difference in quality between the two instruments?


I read here in the forums that signature models tend to use slightly better wood etc, so if the Chinese aren't as well-built than their Korean older brothers will this be mitigated by the fact that it's been made of better grade stuff for being a signature model?


For reference I can get a used Korean (Peerless) Rivera with a case for about the same price as I can get a new Valensi one (perhaps even slightly less). This will not have P94s though which alone are worth a fair bit though.


Any advice, recommendations, information that might help me? Am I making a big deal about nothing? Is there anything else you maybe think I should take a look at (I'm in the UK)?


I leave this for you to mull over... (and apologies for rambling, it's a nasty habit I have )

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Hi and welcome here. I can't give you much advice but I figured it would be depressing just to get no replys at all. I'm always in guitar shops just to try stuff out. I've found that two Epis even of the same model can vary quite a bit in feel and sound so it's hard to say get this one rather than that one. The guitars you're going to be comparing also vary in several ways. The Valensi has the P94 single coils (I think) while the regular Riviera comes with either full size or mini humbuckers. That's three differences to start off with. I guess with the Valensi you would have the option of swapping out the P94's for humbuckers if you didn't like them. As for whether they're made of better materials or not I don't think I could comment. My only advice would be to try all the options you've got and see which one suits you best.

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Any advice, recommendations, information that might help me?...Is there anything else you maybe think I should take a look at (I'm in the UK)?


I leave this for you to mull over... (and apologies for rambling, it's a nasty habit I have )


Ramble on over to a Hagstrom dealer and check out a Viking.




It is possible to build great guitars in China...and keep the prices reasonable in the process...



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Ramble on over to a Hagstrom dealer and check out a Viking.




It is possible to build great guitars in China...and keep the prices reasonable in the process...




+1 on the Hagstrom....really freakin cool guitar!! Honestly, when I first was looking to get an ES335 style guitar with humbuckers, I started playing every guitar that I could find in that kind of mold. I was looking for something inexpensive that felt great to play, regardless of brand. Played sooooo many...Dots, Vikings, Schecters, Rivs, felt like I played everything till I stumbled into this ES-type guitar at a local dealer. It was an Arbor (instantly recognizable brand name, I know :rolleyes: ), and it played like butter. Amazing playability. I just couldn't get over how nice it felt. I was really surprised that the shop was selling it for $150. Bought it that day, and went online to order a Gibson 57 classic and a DiMarzio 36th aniv PAF reissue. I put the Gibson in the neck, the DiMarzio in the bridge, put CTS pots and orange drops in, switchcraft jack and switch, and voila! Amazing 335 tones at almost the price of a brand new Dot!!!! Highly recommend it to anyone...just find something that feels amazing and go from there. You can upgrade everything else but the feel of the guitar.


Here's the Arbor:



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For reference I can get a used Korean (Peerless) Rivera with a case for about the same price as I can get a new Valensi one (perhaps even slightly less). This will not have P94s though which alone are worth a fair bit though.


Any advice, recommendations, information that might help me? Am I making a big deal about nothing? Is there anything else you maybe think I should take a look at (I'm in the UK)?




I love the Peerless Rivieras with the minihumbuckers, fantastic guitars (see photo). I think you can get new ones in Europe, I'm not sure where the new ones are made.


...I stumbled into this ES-type guitar at a local dealer. It was an Arbor (instantly recognizable brand name, I know :rolleyes: ), and it played like butter. Amazing playability. I just couldn't get over how nice it felt. I was really surprised that the shop was selling it for $150.


One of my favorite guitars was an inexpensive Arbor. Thinline like a 335, but full hollow body. Great neck!!!



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I bought a Valensi in 2008, made that year in Korea. As far as I could tell, it was made by Peerless. I don't know if the current Valensis still are MIK or MIC. I can say that the wood in mine is very nice quality, with a really nice quilt front and back. Also, the P94 pickups are absolutely wonderful through my amps (a '56 Magnatone and a recent Traynor YGM-3 RI). This is a very high quality guitar, in my opinion.



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