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tunes with original jumbo reissue


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I have uploaded some acoustic demos onto youtube that I played with my OJ reissue. All the ones that say they were written in 2010 (except for "Playin For The Jack") are played with that guitar. Some of the older ones are not. Youtube dumbs down the sound so it is not the best but still OK for what it is. Take a l;isten when youget the chance. Here is a link to them http://www.youtube.com/user/markwillplay1

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trust me when I say..."I'm Trying" (ha ha ha ha) This last batch of tunes havenot been recorded like I want to yet but I am playing them for anyone who will listen...Not that many good gigs in Eastern NC (listening gigs). The internet now does open up some options, but at the end of the day, you still have to find people who are willing to book you and help you along. Tain't easy. I have another tune that I have not posted on youtube yet (well actually several). If I can figure out a way to plst it here I will post it. You can go to https://www.noisetrade.com/markwillplay and hear them. just click on "From Behind" .. now that is one I save for adult audiences.

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Quite good work! Expressive vocals and very nice guitar playing. I do have a question though..... How do you square songs like Hole in the Boat and Freedom with the implied situations of From Behind and Lying Next to Me? Not to say that the last two tunes are out of line, but would you include those on a set list for Sunday services? "The songs are each in their own way a testimony of my faith in Christ and my desire to serve. It is my hope that someone, anyone, will listen and be inspired to seek God's grace." Don't expect those two latter tunes are covered by that quote. Good stuff, Mark, but I gotta call you on the mixed message.

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no problem, we can get right into it. "From Behind" is certainly a play on words that has sexual overtones and "Lying Next To Me" me is a play on words about cheating...now here goes...I am indeed a Christian and I love to sing spiritual tunes. Have recorded mucho contemporary Christian music...Sing it in church...OK, still have a sense of humor and am willing to write about the human condition. If I can't tell someone I am a Christian and also write songs about other parts of life, well,...I certainly would hope that my tunes would not lead people into being peeping Toms and cheating...wow. I don't look at that particular group of tunes as delivering one message..not at all. It is not a cohesive cd project. Bottom line is every song I write does not portray my deepest beliefs. If I write a song about a one night stand, does that mean I can't write a song that says God loves me?? Maybe in your vew no, well, in my view yes but let's not debate faith here on the Gibson acoustic forum..we may disagree on several things that may not interest others at all.....I will be glad to talk with you personally on the phone or by email and share details of what I believe Freedom is. What can I say though, I do like to create songs and make up Charactors at times, and then I like to sing heartfelt tunes as well. I know the difference and can easily seperate the two. I can watch saturday night live and laugh at the creative humor and still sing Amazing Grace with all my heart....you can call me a hipocrite and that is certainly your right, but I say that I am indeed Free to create songs for many different reasons. But I do appreciate your opinion...and I mean that. There are some songs that I write that I would not sing in church....guess I am flawed that way in your view and I will accept that. I don't view it as being inconsistant at all, I view it as "there is a time and a place" if you know what I mean. I don't take all my songs seriously...Skeeta is a made up charactor who used drugs and ran from the law....From Behind is about a peeping Tom and that tune was funny to me....may be pushing it but it is what it is. Thanks for taking me up on it, certainly something to think about, Mark


PS, by the way, that quote that you listed pertains to a particular cd which was a group of songs that were absolutely intended to give one message...if that makes any difference...not intended for this group of tunes. I see no problem in pointing that out.

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If I write a song about a one night stand, does that mean I can't write a song that says God loves me??


Certainly you can do both, but you must admit that it calls into question the depth of your convictions in some eyes. And there lies my point. It's the "do as I say on Sunday, not as I might do on any other day of the week" part of some indivdual's faith that can make religious types seem hypocritical. It's truly no skin off my nose when this is the case, but I do like to point out these inconsistancies when I run across them. Christians and believers in other faiths are of course entitled to live as they see fit within the laws of the land, but talking out of both sides of one's mouth, "situational ethics", is exactly the kind of thing that non-believer's point to to discount the faith. The Jim Bakker, Jimmy Swaggart types are mostly what I have in mind as examples.....high-profile men of God in the public eye that can out-sin the worst of us behind closed doors. Not that your songwriting rises to that level, but you get the point. Of course we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, but those that hold themselves out as purveyors of the faith are, and should be, held to a higher standard. No offense intended with any of this, and I honestly don't want to start a holy war over your songwriting.....just making a point.


Now go get on your knees and ask for forgiveness for singing about unclean thoughts! [wink]

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