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Genesis Cut Sheets


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Yes, I have played a few actually.





THAT'S what I was waiting for!!!! I read Gearhead's comment and just

smiled... (knowing that Brain probably owns EVERY Genesis in a 5 State area).

Always a great picture to see. Hey, I just realized - every time I've bid on a Genesis

on ebay, Brian was watching, too. No wonder I never won......

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So Brian, I ALMOST hate to ask this (not really [drool] ), but just how many guitars do you have? I had like 10 at one time, and thought MAYBE I only needed 2 or 3 more (LOL), but I know you have me beat by a long shot. And have you started "therapy" yet?

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So Brian, I ALMOST hate to ask this (not really [drool] ), but just how many guitars do you have? I had like 10 at one time, and thought MAYBE I only needed 2 or 3 more (LOL), but I know you have me beat by a long shot. And have you started "therapy" yet?

Well, if you include a few cigar box guits and projects I have in pieces, a little over 30. I don't have anything really special (yet) except maybe my '60s Guild A-500, so I don't consider myself in the same league as some of the guys here or over on the Gibby forum. Mostly I just enjoy tinkering. My Genesis collection started with a badly abused project unit that I got off Craigslist. It's still in progress waiting for me to get my lacquer finishing skills up to snuff. It's slow going - I have a family, busy job and many other distractions, and at this point in life I like to take my time and learn to do things right.


I'd be surprised if I had more than $10k invested in guits and maybe another $10k in amps, recording and miscellaneous music gear. My shop and tools might be catching up to this amount though. Even so, that's a drop in the bucket in comparison to what some guys spend on golf, motorcycles, cars, electronics, or even clothes. I've also been slowly building a guitar reference library in an effort not to make too much of a fool out of myself when discussing guits here and elsewhere. (Hard to do because there are some incredibly knowledgeable and experienced folks here.) The books have already paid off several times over, keeping me from making bad purchasing decisions and not screwing up my repairs and projects too badly.


Anyway, I'm a blue-jeans and T-shirt kinda guy, and besides cycling and home repairs, no other major non-work related hobbies. I have worked hard all my life, got my first job at 17 and used the funds to buy a Fender Pro Reverb and Gibson ES-225T. I worked my way through college (twice), and I don't expect I'll be able to retire anytime soon, my kids are only 12, and I have to stay healthy and productive at least until they're out of college. I'll be 65 at that point and maybe could go part time and spend more time playing and in the shop, assuming arthritis doesn't catch up to me. A friend of mine is in his 60's has a much nicer collection than me, manages and fronts a very good Beatles cover band, and he's an amazing tech and crafstman to boot (currently building a Rickenbacker), so a good role model.


I must say that this forum has been the catalyst for my renewed interest in playing and repairing guitars. It was Ship, Red, and a couple of the other guys on the Epi acoustics forum that were so kind and helpful with my initial 6832 purchase and subsequent repairs. And of course Jerrymac, Animalfarm, Gordy, Twang, and many others here have been extremely helpful, supportive and inspiring since I joined the forum.


I do miss a few of our departed brethren, but C'est la vie.


Cheers, Brian

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