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Epiphone So Cal footswitch

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Does anybody know what footswitch to buy for the Epiphone So Cal 50 Head? I honestly thought that all two-button footswitches were the same. My Traynor footswitch doesn't work at all. It is the standard Stereo 1/4" phone cable and 2-switches with LEDs. The LEDs light with the So Cal, but the reverb stays dead and the channel stays clean.


What I found out so far:

1) It's the same footswitch as the Blues Custom 30.

2) It is very unavailable. Would be hard to get even on eBay.

3) Any two-button footswitch with NO indicators should work. But I have not verified this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am looking for the EPA-FSB and guitar center is the only one listed as having the only one on the entire internet, I called them in Maryland and do not have one, the sales guy say he thinks it was stolen. Any ideas where else to find one? Thanks

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  • 1 year later...

Does anybody know what footswitch to buy for the Epiphone So Cal 50 Head? I honestly thought that all two-button footswitches were the same. My Traynor footswitch doesn't work at all. It is the standard Stereo 1/4" phone cable and 2-switches with LEDs. The LEDs light with the So Cal, but the reverb stays dead and the channel stays clean.


What I found out so far:

1) It's the same footswitch as the Blues Custom 30.

2) It is very unavailable. Would be hard to get even on eBay.

3) Any two-button footswitch with NO indicators should work. But I have not verified this.



I've recently acquired a SoCal 50 head, second hand. It didn't come with a footswitch and I've been doing a lot of searching for some info on building one. I've done some experimenting with a peavy two button, and a marshall two button, as well as experimenting with a stereo cable. I've had success switching the channels but have had no luck switching the reverb off.


I've come to the conclusion that one of two things are happening:


1) There's something more going on with the reverb switch than just simply switching it on and off. The channel switch circuit is as simple as it gets, but there's a trick to the reverb.




2) Something is wrong internally with my reverb circuit (ie there's a relay and it is stuck on and won't shut the reverb off)


Can anyone confirm that simply connecting the ring to the shaft of the 1/4" TRS switches the reverb off?


Any insight would be hugely appreciated.

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This might help - it's the schematic for the SoCal 50 and shows the footswitch circuit in the map itself. Should show you what you need.


Thanks wiggy for taking the time to post that schematic, I have found it and have already taken a look at it. There is a lot going on there and unfortunately I don't have the knowledge to grasp exactly everything that is going on there. If I had to guess I would say that there definitely is a relay there before the reverb and then it even looks like there's a couple more relays above and to the right. This is kind of where I got the idea that something could be wrong with a relay causing me not to be able to switch it off.


I was just hoping to confirm that assumption with someone who has the amp by them telling me if they can switch their reverb on and off by grounding the ring of the 1/4" TRS to the shaft. Judging from your photo and from some of your posts you have the Blues Custom 30? I gather this amp is very similar to the socal50 with some slight differences. Is the reverb section the same in both amps? And does connecting shaft to ring on your footswitch terminals turn your reverb on and off? Thanks again for the reply!



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