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Little Feat and Jeff Healy


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Very cool. Saw Little Feat in various eras, and a late friend and co-worker used to know Fred Tackett and got us backstage once, which was really cool. Got to see them a couple of times in the Lowell George days, the first time in a college gym in Franklin, Ind., where we were so close to the stage the sound we were getting was basically all from the stage rather than the P.A. Lowell George would unplug periodically and run off the stage and out the door into the rain to cool off, then come back and plug back in. I'm surprised he didn't electrocute himself. When I first moved to Chicago in the early '80s I lived on George Street and had heard about this legendary photo of Lowell taken a bit west of where I was living. I finally tracked it down (the reproduction is a little dodgy, but if you can't see it, he's at the corner of Lowell and George).




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