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Artist Aged vs VOS


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Hypothetically, if VOS and Aged artist reissues were to be available at the same price which one would you choose? The reason I am asking is because I have been advised that Aged should be kept (not played) and VOS should be played.

As I have a choice of buying one so would be helpful to know your thought.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

If you are talking about a Murphy aged vs VOS then there is no question that the Murphy aged is the best value. If it is factory (not Murphy) aged vs VOS then there is no big difference is used value although a clean VOS will probably be worth more used than the factory aged. If the factory aged is a limited run, then it is a better value than the VOS. This is assuming that you say they will all cost the same when new. I'll take a Murphy aged, as most of us would, over a factory aged or VOS. ALL of these are meant to be played, even the Artist Aged. If it is an Artist, Murphy aged and artist signed, that would be a different story, but it should be carefully played and kept mint as it was meant to be a collectable. All are meant to be played. Some more carefully than others.


Just my thoughts....

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Actually, that raises a good question.


For one thing, aged always cost more from the start. There is extra work involved to "age" a guitar. If that is worth the the extra price, or of value to want to pay for it...lets skip that part.


As for a guitar HOLDING its value, that might be hard to guess. A VOS guitar will look better new, and will age on its own, and obviously, will have less "age" later than one pre-aged plus age. But, then it is hard to determine with a pre-aged one how much age came from the factory, and how much came later, so there might be less value lost from age.

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  • 1 month later...

I don't know but these aged guitars look like someone took a razor blade and went to work on the guitars. There is nothing that looks real about and to buy guitars for the investment value that was dead by the 80's when vintage guitars were short in supply and prices skyrocketed.I was buying JR's for $700 and LP Goldtops and Customs for $1,000. And all the Rickenbacker artist models that went for $1,200 are now going for $4 -$5,000. Forget buying guitars as investments unless you have mucho bucks and buy them to play and if you play them enough you won'y need Tom Murphy to age them for you. Cheers, Rivets

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  • 2 months later...

I have yet to see deliberate aging on a guitar that looks natural. I've walked the halls of NAMM and seen rows and rows of these guitars from Fender, Gibson, and other manufacturers. It's all crap. Especially the fretboard aging and the unconvincing lightning-stripe gash everyone puts right at the top where your arm crosses the body. I've seen naturally aged guitars. They don't look like that. I think this silly "road worn" trend is akin to the old fake motorcycle gas tanks that bike manufacturers put on their dirt bicycles when I was a kid. These guitars are going to be laughable in relative short order. You want that look? Buy a used guitar and get a deal in the process rather than paying extra for someone to "age" it. Skip the case (you'll save more $ there!), bang it up all you want, use a cheap strap, set on the floor or lean it against walls, toss it 4 feet to your roadie, flick cigarettes at it, take it camping, whatever the hell. Trust me, it'll look like crap just the way you want it in no time and for much less dough!!!

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Personal opinion....I know I'm right though.... :blink:


I dislike the whole relic/aged ethos


It seems to be an artificial market created by and for people looking for an investment


OK perhaps the non-player may enjoy the aesthetics and mojo atmosphere around an 'artist' facsimile relic


Who is to deny someone that pleasure?....it is their money after all....





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