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Flying V question


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Hey all,


I am new to this forum. I bought what was said to be a Gibson Flying V back in 80's. It was used at the time. The guy who sold it to me swore it was a real Gibson Flying V (a 78' he believed) even though it didn't say Gibson on the headstock. He said that the guitar has been refinished and the Gibson logo had been sanded or taken off. I was a young kid and just liked the way the guitar sounded and played so I bought it...not thinking too much about it being a real Gibson or not.


Now...all these years later I have become curious. I can hardly make out the serial numbers on the back of the headstock but I can clearly see it is only a six digit number and it is stamped made in the USA. I guess I am trying to find some way to verify if this is a real Gibson V or not. Any ideas or advice?



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Its possible if the head was replaced or damaged near the nameplate, but being sanded off is a bunch of BS, when you do fret work or even want to bring back aged mother of pearl or abalone all you have to do is sand it and it will look new, so to sand it off you would need to sand the entire 1/8" thick piece out of the headstock entirely. Some pics will put to rest all your worries.

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It would be possible for a Flying V that has a Waterslide type headstock logo for the logo to be sanded off.


If it was an inlaid logo, its still likely, since I believe the logo is only as deep as the veneer in some cases.


Post pics though.


They would have had to do a whole lotta sanding in any case for the logo to be removed....unlikely.

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