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Forum Bros, I ask for your help


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My gods may not be the same as yours but I'll ask them to lend you a hand.

Im hoping you get the results you want but, like others, I think you will need to be proactive in more than just praying for a resolution. Remember that the gods help those who help themselves and the fates favour the brave..


But whatever happens, remember that it is all just "stuff". I lost almost everything in a divorce. Not the same situation I know but it taught me that I can live without the things I used to consider important. My lifestyle now is a lot less flashy but I have my health and freedom (relatively speaking)and that is what is most important (along with a few good friends).

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Must continue to pray and not forget-it is easy when I start to get mad, and I'm starting to get frustrated.


While the last conversation on Sat seemed optimistic and what was reason to have hope for actual reibursment for my loss (as opposed to just the check from the proceeds from the sale) I have been unable to get a call back or reach this guy.


He had apalogized for taking so long, and told me he would call me Mon afternoon or Tues morning, and I have been calling every other day this week leaving messages.


I plan on calling him again tommarrow, and I hope to reach him, but if I don't reach him by the end of Mon, it is time to think about what my next action will be.


Thanks to all for your prayers, kindness, and advise.

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Must continue to pray and not forget-it is easy when I start to get mad, and I'm starting to get frustrated.


While the last conversation on Sat seemed optimistic and what was reason to have hope for actual reibursment for my loss (as opposed to just the check from the proceeds from the sale) I have been unable to get a call back or reach this guy.


He had apalogized for taking so long, and told me he would call me Mon afternoon or Tues morning, and I have been calling every other day this week leaving messages.


I plan on calling him again tommarrow, and I hope to reach him, but if I don't reach him by the end of Mon, it is time to think about what my next action will be.


Thanks to all for your prayers, kindness, and advise.


Get to know the BBB.........Get to know how to file complaints with them..........Get to know the Oregon Dept of Justice, and what they do, and cover........


Contact all media outlets, and talk to them............Phone calls leave a call trace........Use E-mail communications; E-mails leave an electronic trail,


a printable trail, and proof of communications....When ANY company declines, refuses, or discourages E-mail contact, that's a red flag.......


Get to know your enemy....LEARN who all of the employees are..Learn who the next level of people are...Learn who the next level of people are..


Then learn who the next level of people are...Then do BACKGROUND CHECKS ON THE KEY PLAYERS....Learn everything you can about them..


Learn their WORK history....KNOW YOUR OPPONENT...IE, what is their education ?? What is their family structure ??? Learn everything, legally...


Find out what TRADE organizations they belong to......Hound them weekly......Never threaten them; Use the basis, " Will what I say or write


bite me later ? " If so, don't write it....Study the law as it applies to your situation....etc etc etc......



Prayer is good and great......Moses had his prayers answered......It took fourty years, each time, do you have fourty years to wait ???

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Guest FarnsBarns

Be aware, you have not cashed the cheque (yeah I'm English) , this in its self is good but I would do some finding out, it may be, in your state, that attempting to cash it is enough to have accepted that level of compensation. Or was the cheque (still English) the excess proceeds from the sale? In which case it is not compensation and if they have acted outside your contract, or the law, you can cash it and still presue compensation (in UK law).


When faced with this kind of adversity I always send a letter to the MD (CEO) marked "private and confidential", this makes it ilegal for any other individual to open it. Of course the PA opens it any way but then they can't use that as an excuse. I then head the letter with "notice of intended litigation" and say that I require a response within 7 days or I will commence litigation.


Then I say that I will be happy to accept written communication marked "without prejudice, save for costs". This is to their advantage as it means any communication offering compensation is inadmissable in court appart from in the event of a subsequent claim for legal costs. I doesn't matter that it is to their advantage because it is standard practice to mark compensation offer as such, it does tell them that you know the law and that you have done your homework.


Now all you need to do is find the American equivalents to all these phrases.


I know I have a daft sense of humor on this forum but in real life I am a hard nosed business man and I don't loose battles to other businesses who screw me, ever. This approach has served me well.

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