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Loop Pedals


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Hey Everyone,


I want to buy a loop pedal cause I´m the only guitarist in the band and I want to throw different layers just by myself.


I was looking at the Line 6 DL4 Delay Modeler Pedal and Loop Sampler but the loops are only 14 seconds.


Anyone have any recommendations?


Are there any pedals where you can record different loops and throw the whenever you want?



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I have a Boss RC2 that will loop for 15 min.


Thanks Searcy. Can you record different loops live and throw whicheverone you want whenever you want in the song with that pedal? For example, record different loops in the intro and throw whicheverone you want in different parts of the song??

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Digitech loop JamMan stereo

"DigiTech® has raised the bar with the new JamMan Stereo Looper with the ability to store 35 minutes of CD-quality loops in 99 internal memories as well as having an SD memory card expansion slot giving you the ability to store over 16 hours* of material in an additional 99 slots.


The JamMan Stereo also features true stereo looping, reverse playback, and a mic input making it perfect for backing tracks or DJ applications.


The JamMan Stereo features USB connectivity and will sync to DigiTech’s free JamManager™ software that organizes and saves your JamMan Stereo loops to PC or Mac. JamManager also lets you quickly create custom JamLists to take to your gig."

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I cant comment on the Digitech looper but it cant be that bad because the Digitech Whammy pedal is godlike!


BOSS on the other hand makes some REAL REAL nice looping pedals. The RC2 is great its the size of a common BOSS stompbox so it goes into your pedalboard with ease. The RC3 which I think is the super cession for the RC2 can record three hours of stero and store 99 different loops. From there you just start going up and up with different kinds of looping stations.

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Guest BentonC

Wow- the Digitech and Boss units are really making the 14 seconds from Line 6 look pretty lame... oh well, Line 6 makes some pretty awesome pedals in other areas (great delays!).

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