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new Les Paul Jr's


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hey guys, i had a question about the lp jr's. i've played some vintage ones but i have yet to see one of the new ones in a store. i know they sound amazing but i'm worried about the finish. is this the same cheap satin finish they put on the les paul studio mahogany guitars? i'd really like one with a not so "cheap-looking" finish to it. thanks for any input guys. :)



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oh! if anyone on here has one, can i see some pics of it? especially the sunburst! on mf.com and gc.com they look dark, but on other photos the sunburst looks very bright. maybe some high quality close ups of the finish if that's possible??? idk. i'm just very interested in buying one and i wanna know all about it before i drop almost a grand on it. thanks.




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wow, thanks! there is a lot more color to the guitar than what the pictures show. i played one of the faded cherry les pauls a few years ago and the body felt like sand paper, it was dry and the grain had gaps. i hated it. i feel better about buying a junior like this one now that i know the 'satin' finish isnt like the old 'faded' finishes they've used in the past. i'm sure that some good quality polish will help bring out a better shine. thanks for all ur help!! it is much appreciated!





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