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Re: the comment made to "Talk 2 Us" about the neck issue


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It was brought to my attention from a few members on this forum that I was acting in a deceitful way regarding a comment I posted with Talk 2 Us. I would like to clear the air regarding this, as I dont want you folks thinking the worst of me. From reading my comment, I can see how one would take it the way it was viewed, and not in the way in which it was intended. For that I am truly sorry.


I get very much involved/upset/uptight when I perceive the corporate world (in general) operating in an underhanded/corrupt way in which they mislead and rip off us, the consumer. When I feel that this is the case, I usually jump into action, not quite as much as in my youth mind you. The response I made to the people at Gibson/Epiphone through their method of contact, and in this case Talk 2 Us, I felt rather cheated due to the fact that they limited my comment to a maximum of 450 characters. I told them, in part, that I would return the Les Paul 100 I purchased for my wife, and at the same time stop the outstanding order with GC for the Les Paul Standard Plain Top. I pointed out to you folks that I really wasnt planning on following through with what I mentioned, and of course, it was interpreted as being dishonest/deceitful. Yes, I can definitely see how one would view it that way. My honest reason for telling them that was to jog them into a truthful response knowing they were losing a customer and possibly getting negative backlash down the road. At the time, a time I felt I was being cheated and mislead by these people, I thought my comment appropriate. Obviously it wasnt. A definite case of someone putting the mouth in gear before the brain so to speak.


Anyway good people, I wanted to post this to let all of you know I am sorry for the misunderstanding, and hopefully we can all put this behind us.



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How many threads about this do we need [confused]

Dang Pete, easy. You gonna scare the guy off. He ain't used to us yet.


Besides, while we may have 3 threads by this guy that comes from the same issue, the are all 3 different topics, and good questions.

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I am a nobody, but as far as I am concerned, all is good. It takes a man to step up and say, "I was wrong". No one can be perfect, and I tend to trust a guy who can bring his mistakes out in the open rather than hide them.


I think also for an "honest" man, being completely honest all the time actually takes some effort. I think we ALL would find we do dishonest things if we look hard enough.


In a corporate world, a company is many people. There will be a mixture of snakes and saints, and everything in between. You can even find good honest people working at Guitar Center. And even still, a company will have a mixture of policies that are honest and dishonest, and we all have to play that game. I think the worst thing about the world is that the standard of what is honest or dishonest is changing, and it is unfortunate that we all have to decide how we are going to navigate through that.

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