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Good P90+Humbucker


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So i have been playing the guitar for quite some time, and bought an Epiphone Firebird half year ago. Quite happy with it, but still lacks some good pickups. So i have decided to change them. I have been thinking of putting a combo of P90(neck) and Humbucker(bridge), but some questions appeared.

Will a P90+Humbucker combo work good on a Firebird?

What is a good P90+Humbucker combo of Gibson pickups?

I am a rhythm guitarist and play much Guns n' Roses.

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I have no experience of combining P90 and HB on a Firebird


But I do know about the mini HB Gibson Firebird and the 3 P90 Firebird


And I have a Tokai with a single bridge SD SM-2


IMO those are the best choices


I don't know much about G'N R but I assume there is not a great deal of P90 stuff going on therein :blink:





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Personal opinion here


P90's have many enthusiasts...myself included


IMO they have a 'bark' about them on a solid guitar...think Pete Townsend


SG's and LP's with 2 P90's are the Holy Grail for some players


Then there are the hollows like Casinos/ES 330's used by the Beatles, Paul Weller et al...for rhythm and lead


And Eddie Cochran's Gretsch 6120 with a neck P90 for rockabilly punch


Yes a P90/HB combination can work


Probably a good idea, if possible to try something ready loaded at stage volume....





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I believe the Epi Firebird has full size HB cutouts


Personally I would use a mini HB from SD...the vintage correct has 2 cond wire...the special SM-2 and SM-3 have 4 cond wire to allow coil tap...


Huge choices for P90's....SD, Bareknuckle, Gibson etc....never done it, so it's down to specs and availability....





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Ane what would you say about a gibson p94 and bursbucker 2 or maybe a slash duncan and a duncan p90?


you are right to want to change the epi's stock pups you will notice major improvements. whilst your at it I would reccomend changing the caps and possibly the pots too.


I put the slash duncans on my les paul and was amazed at the tone (even though i had the regular duncan Alnico pro's on previously) I use my neck and middle pup selection so much more now. loving the tone warm and full yet can snap on request.


also the Duncan 59' is a fantastic tone machine silky smooth and can replicate classic les paul tones very well such as slash. I used one in the neck position on a customers Epiphone les paul and he loved it.


P90's........i'm still to find a great guitar with them loaded. I played a few LP studio's but I was not impressed with the tone of the chambered body (for all you chambered owners im no longer anti chambered since playing a beautiful chambered R8 and was blown away, its just got to be right)


you have to find a P90 that will fit your humbucker cavity as they are of a different size to regular humbuckers. Best advice is to go to your local store and play on guitars with p90's and see what you think, however I think after trying some Duncans you'll notice a very positive change and possibly forget the P90.


Personally I would have a humbucker guitar and a P90 guitar rather than a combination but thats me

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you are right to want to change the epi's stock pups you will notice major improvements. whilst your at it I would reccomend changing the caps and possibly the pots too.


I put the slash duncans on my les paul and was amazed at the tone (even though i had the regular duncan Alnico pro's on previously) I use my neck and middle pup selection so much more now. loving the tone warm and full yet can snap on request.


also the Duncan 59' is a fantastic tone machine silky smooth and can replicate classic les paul tones very well such as slash. I used one in the neck position on a customers Epiphone les paul and he loved it.


P90's........i'm still to find a great guitar with them loaded. I played a few LP studio's but I was not impressed with the tone of the chambered body (for all you chambered owners im no longer anti chambered since playing a beautiful chambered R8 and was blown away, its just got to be right)


you have to find a P90 that will fit your humbucker cavity as they are of a different size to regular humbuckers. Best advice is to go to your local store and play on guitars with p90's and see what you think, however I think after trying some Duncans you'll notice a very positive change and possibly forget the P90.


Personally I would have a humbucker guitar and a P90 guitar rather than a combination but thats me


Thanks for the good information. I am really new to pickups, an i barely understand what i need to do. Anyway, i might get humbucker sized p90, as the gibson p94, i am not sure if duncan has any. But i still do not really know what pickups to pick, so i have to believe in what a person is saying, as i do not have any good local stores in my country, so i must order from Germany, also little experience in pickups.

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Thanks for the good information. I am really new to pickups, an i barely understand what i need to do. Anyway, i might get humbucker sized p90, as the gibson p94, i am not sure if duncan has any. But i still do not really know what pickups to pick, so i have to believe in what a person is saying, as i do not have any good local stores in my country, so i must order from Germany, also little experience in pickups.


ah I see your problem. Buy them and try them out, if you dont like them after a while sell them on and try something else. to be honest I keep all my pickups. now an then I like a change

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